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Special Bacteria Helps Heal Sick Bats | National Geographic

just to give you an idea these were
infected bats and their wings have
completely healed and they’re basically
clean and most of the stats from this
group had quite a lot of infection in
their wings one of the ideas we have is
that it’s not about eradicating the
fungus at this point that’s essentially
impossible but what you can do is if you
delay the severity of that disease from
from peaking and say January to peaking
in March a larger portion of that
population is likely to be able to
survive and recover on their own my role
is in the development of the Rhodococcus
bacteria as the treatment Rhodococcus
was originally investigated at Georgia
State University for a litany of
different industrial applications and
its ability to delay the ripening of
fruits and vegetables that also the
fruits and vegetables had lower fungal
burdens and so I thought that if this
bacteria can prevent mold from growing
on a banana perhaps they can prevent
mold from growing on a bat surface of
their wings and gets under the epidermis
it gets into the deeper layers of tissue
and access to bats in their natural
hibernacula isn’t always easy sometimes
there are very large clusters that are
way higher than you could access to
treat with traditional treatments and
they’re very sensitive animals and so
they have been susceptible to toxicity
from some of the things that have been
previously tried so that’s one of the
good sides of this product is that you
don’t actually have to handle them
my hopes are that we can stay off the
regional extinction that’s been
predicted in that twenty thirty years
from now there will still be bats in the
sky Missouri in Georgia in Pennsylvania
catching insects under lampposts
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