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Snowy Egret’s Nest | National Geographic

a tree in a Florida swamp Egret chicks
compete for food and attention from mobs
down below hungry Gators gather where
there are wobbly chicks there’s the
promise of manna falling from heaven the
Egret seen as oblivious to the Gators as
the Gators seemed obsessed with the
egrets it looks like a stand until a
Darwinian melodrama plays itself out in
an Escobar but Cobb barely describes
this Egret version of Lord of the Flies
in a bid for survival – stronger chicks
mall or weaker sibling with the runt out
of the way there will be more food for
the other two
down below the alligators watch this
grizzly patch and eagerly the bigger
siblings stabbed and bludgeoned a little
until he succumbs then the Gators below
make like NBA centers leaping for a
rebound at playoff time
it may seem mean to humans but it truly
is survival of the fittest
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