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See What This Man Can Create From a Bush | National Geographic

when you look at a piece of my work my
reader work I don’t want anything to
kiss you out before you see what I want
you to see it’s not in a particular
shape it’s not animal it’s not geometric
it’s it’s just kind of an abstract
but I want to catch you a present with
the structure of that plant and the way
I was able to make it flow and come up
with an image and it took me four and a
half years ago from a mushroom look to
get this tree to scrap I really want
people when they walk through this
garden especially young people to see
what can be accomplished by using what
you have see everyone is not gifted
academically but everyone has a talent
everyone has a gift
what is so moving and so important about
his work is that it is organic it is non
representational the thing that is
astounding also about the way pearl
works is that it takes him so long to do
something and these eighteen year olds
when they are coming to college they are
so accustomed to having things instantly
but I want them to meet pearls so he can
say to them I have this idea and I
invest this time in it and I can see it
in my mind and in five years I see what
I imagined it just flows and that’s one
of those pieces the fact if I was an
artist that to paint I can make a
beautiful painting out of that if you
said to me wash your car I don’t have
the patient wash my car but I have the
patient to work on a plan for five to
ten years and most images take at least
five years
but the pleasure is really when you come
accomplish something that you’ve been
working on for five years and it come
out and it’s pretty good and you get
that’s pretty rewarding I could be
easily just came out landscape tree with
like everybody else is doing but you’re
never going to get attention doing what
everyone else is doing you got to come
up with something different
pearl has had a huge impact on the
culture and economy of this region it’s
a very poor area of the state and people
come from all over the state all over
the country and all over the world to
see his works this is a I love you see
my garden is about love life is about
sharing it’s great it’s really just
beautiful and in every area of his
garden I think it has a meaning to it
there’s a lot of words and different
sayings in every setting so it’s just
really a lot of his self actually in you
can tell into what he’s doing it’s a lot
of passion a lot of love in it I think
anytime I first look at some incentive
house is too big they don’t have the
ability to do it if you have the ability
to do a thing you’re going to do it it’s
not too big whether it’s Bill Gates or
whether it is Oprah Winfrey whether it’s
San Juan or where’s pearl Fryar visible
cutting up bushes
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