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Secret Life of Fleas | I Didn’t Know That

meet Sid he’s a very handsome four year
old pug but he’s got a problem
he’s called please I’m sorry SID
we’re gonna have to take a closer look
typically the species of flea found on
dogs is in fact a cat flea how
undignified they may be revolting things
to look at but they obviously like each
other because in one month 25 fleas can
easily multiply to a quarter of a
million did you know a flea can jump a
hundred and fifty times its own body
length really that’s about 30
centimeters that’s high which equates to
you jumping nearly 300 meters he’ll be
fun they can leave a hundred days on a
dog really yeah caught up on how many
bites that close to will see they feed
on a diet of fresh warm blood and don’t
think it just has to be the animal
variety if they happen to jump ship a
passing human will do nicely
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