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Scouting for Flightseeing | Alaska Wing Men

in Haines Drake Olson struggles to keep
his flexing business afloat hey Greg I
don’t know they have cash tell him tell
him some of them should have some cash
they’re all separate credit cards oh oh
you’re killing me but yeah see all these
people are going with the other service
I’m losing them on it’s ridiculous
flights with Seoul
this man has soul yeah I had soul I
don’t know what happened
we’re gonna go look for landing zones
that we that maybe I could take people
at the basis of glaciers get out of the
airplane and you could look up and
you’re in a really cool you’re in a
really cool place
I’m really looking to establish some
places that are new
he’s heading into a valley locally known
as the Harley an area pilots rarely
navigate because there’s no safe place
to land
face down there’s kind of cool okay
touch excited face this valley it’s
pretty narrow and it gets really narrow
right where we want to go and look at it
but because it’s it’s so beautiful in
here it makes it worthwhile it’s worth
going in and trying hard this is a
pretty look at that big waterfall coming
down right I don’t know why these places
are so damn difficult to find or why
it’s Alaska they’re just inherently
difficult oh my God look at that those
cuts in the ice are deep if you try to
set down on that you’re gonna have a
rough ride
I’ve never flown low in here before this
is really nice well I think what I’ve
been able to go down here and see if we
can land somewhere he sees a potential
landing strip
but it’s riddled with rocks and debris
Wow we broke something big wait
did you see your tyre
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