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Safari Live – Day 288 | National Geographic

this program features live coverage of
an African safari and may include animal
kills and caucuses viewer discretion is
advised I look at the beautiful kudos at
the moment they are all just trying to
investigate about what is happening in
the surrounding what a lovely afternoon
and most of all welcome to the beginning
of the afternoon Safari this is Sydney
from Ronnie my cozy and I’m travelling
with Sansa who is my camera operator
this afternoon we are going to try by
all means and look for some cats and
this afternoon as this morning it was
very much difficult by this side of the
western side of the greater Kruger
National Park Juma Game Reserve this is
an interactive life Safari you can
follow us on Twitter hashtag Safari live
you can also follow us on YouTube chat
so these gurus I can see that the
feeding on something there on the ground
just want to check nicely maybe they
must be doing this behavior of eating
some old bones now they’re just feeding
on some of their small trees they I can
see that they are not specifically
feeding on any of the bones you can see
they are right there one of them it that
is the female the male gurus they have
got horns the female kudos
they don’t have horns and this males
have got very beautiful spiral horns
gurus males are one of the best
good-looking males in the world these
animals are so very huge unbelievable
same animal huge like these can be able
to jump 4 meters high friends sometimes
standing from jumping from a standing
so now let’s quickly across over to
David in the Maasai Mara who is also
about to start looking for some animals
this afternoon a very good afternoon
everyone and welcome to the Mara
triangle you were just with sit in South
Africa but now you’ve come to a
different country because I would first
to show you a bar this is flied as God
as gone just gone but anyhow it was bad
but I call the lilac breasted roller
which is my favorite but my name is
David and with me today is a Bunga boom
a good afternoon welcome and soon as aid
questions comments are more than welcome
please feel free to talk to us on
hashtag Safari live and just likes me
I’m also planning to go looking for
layouts this afternoon I am going
through the whole of this area and make
sure before long we’ll be having some
lions with us that sounds good
well beautiful day here before afternoon
not a very hot clouds are lying a bit
low Gration not
scary nothing to give us any rain but
hopefully we could have a wonderful well
good afternoon everybody and hopefully
what will lead to a very exciting start
to our day it’s not very often that
you’ll see me out of the vehicle so
early in the drive and there’s a very
good reason for why I’m Archer but
before we get into it my name is Justin
on camera I’ve got to David this
afternoon and it is a good welcome to
Juma because here in the sand is
something that we see very very little
of and it’s right in the center part of
Juma we on the western side of
quarantine at the moment and at the
backyard you’ll notice that there’s a
sort of low shape that’s happened and
there’s one two three four toes with
claws on the front and so for those of
you that are a little bit kind of
knowledgeable about your tracks this is
for a cheetah so there is a cheetah
somewhere on Juma that has come through
looks like sort of towards the end of
the rain last night and has walked
around here during the course of the day
it’s very very badly obscured and a lot
of vehicles have driven over it but
before sure it’s a cheetah track which
is incredibly interesting because
there’s well not being many Chiefs are
seen on Juma for quite some time
it looks like it a female track it
doesn’t look like or a very young male
but like I say the disturbance there is
huge from the rain so it’s going to be
interesting to check if this cheetah is
still around it might have gone all the
way through and crossed again Esther
certainly have a really good scour of
this area and see if maybe just maybe we
get lucky with a cheetah somewhere on
Juma wouldn’t that be a spectacular way
to have a Sunday afternoon Drive I think
so so we’re gonna try very hard to see
where this cheetah goes I want to
probably check the sort of western side
and there’s a lot more open sections and
areas that are not bad for cheetah as
opposed to the more the sort of
southeast the southeast becomes a lot
more kind of liquidy in its environment
there’s a lot more kind of thickets and
drainage lines raised this waste
portion has a few more clearings and
openings that will be conducive for
cheetah to move around the problem is is
that there’s vehicles that have driven
down this road during the course of the
day today or during the morning drive
and that’s going to make it very tricky
to be able to pick up where these
cheetahs walked and at first wasn’t sure
if it was a cheetah when I first saw the
track I kind of um Dennard about it for
quite a while but one of the other guys
that I spoke to you one of the
landowners he saw the tracks actually
this morning and he said to me there was
definitely cheetah tracks that he saw
them in the soft sand before they drove
over them so and it’s good news in many
respects that there is a cheetah kind of
hanging around but what I’m going to do
is I’m not gonna do quarantine just yet
I’m gonna go around and do a little loop
around and then we’ll come back to
quarantine just now I just want to check
if it doesn’t go down towards kind of
Impala planes because Impala planes
would be a good place for a cheetah to
hang out it’s quite interesting that
there is one moving around there was
tracks for one I believe on before took
not yesterday the day before coming past
a dam then going towards sort of
tortured so I suppose it’s very possible
that this cheetah is angled from there
onto the side and is then kind of moved
along through here Jamie says to me
though she had wild dog tracks on a very
similar kind of trajectory so there’s
lots of rare and endangered things
that’s moved about during the course of
the night last night that’s for sure you
can see where the guys have been turning
around trying to see where they can find
these tracks anyway we’re going to try
and see what we can find see if we get
any signs of this cheetah further along
the road while we do that though off to
Jamie you go so she can say hello for
if anyone can track down a cheetah Juma
Tristan can I have utmost faith in his
cat finding ability a very good
afternoon to all of you my name is Jamie
and this afternoon Craig is on camera
with me also known of course as Batman
but don’t tell anyone because it’s
something of a secret
slow as you may or may not have heard
from various people this morning was
quiet on the cat / dog / hi Nina front
we didn’t manage to find anything which
is pretty typical for this time of year
especially after a nice big storm like
that so now of course the focus becomes
trying to find something for the TV show
this evening so I’m going to meander
along my plan is it was a bit
frustrating ting Ghana was found
yesterday evening just before the
rehearsal and then he vanished into a
block and the person who found him moved
off and I didn’t get there in time to
switch places and and follow him now we
know where he disappeared to but we also
know that he had last night
now if it’s in Ghana not to call that
sort of time of evening is unusual which
makes me think hope perhaps force of
optimism here that he has a kill in that
direction so that’s where I’m heading
the softer noon don’t know why I didn’t
think of it this morning although it was
very very far away okay so that’s the
plan anyway we’re gonna hit across in
that direction while we do that Dave is
in the Maasai Mara which of course comes
with its own challenges that Dave can
best well good luck for King Ghana and
Singh Ghana paying the Duke of Jummah
it’s always such a big prize and I’ve
always thought Singh ting gana alone is
worth seeing maybe two other leopards
you know just virtually because of his
size and above all he’s huge doula I’ve
seen many leopards in Africa but in ting
Ghana maybe Jamie made her grieve me or
Tristan and Sydney chingada has one of
the largest juleps I think we know of
all the little parts that we see around
you know Africa so anyway talking of
lions and no little parts today or new
year I’m sure some of you might have
watched ours here in the Mara triangle I
was unlucky to have seen two leopard you
and it isn’t like Duma it is getting
sightings of leopards in the mall is a
bit difficult to see livers as much as
we got them here they’re all over there
all over but usually say they blend in
very well they hide in some places but
you may not be able to see them but that
particularly remains very special to me
because one it was New Year’s Day the
fastest are there of 2019 and it was not
only one leopard there were two and two
a cherry on the cake
they were mating and too many people in
there in North America the feedback
we’ve got it was at the stroke of
midnight that was very special so I have
been looking at my clock from the 1st of
January another 1995 days hopefully if
that female conceived and you know she’s
changed around will be able to see her
cub or her new Cubs I mean unlike other
cuts like cheetahs that may move long
distances all that do not harbor
territories leopards and lions yes we’ll
have children yes to be very good I’m as
she says in the front of control to have
newly you know babies that you’re
conceived all the Nui are thought to be
very special well today I want to look
for one particular pride the pride that
I called the sausage chief right because
it’s my favorite fried in the Mara we
got loads of lion fights but that
particular one it’s my favorite the area
we are going through a little bit father
another watch five kilometers or so or
seven is an area we should see another
pride that is called a or we know or we
know is four girls and one male and I
think originally if that pride of we
know used to be the same pride with the
sausages then they split sometimes in
2016 and they went separate ways
when Lions score when price gets very
big they tend to split not very far for
the camp where we live in there’s
another play there that is called all
our pride and all our currently at 16
and I got a feeling that chill of the
females there have given birth and maybe
we have either two more new Cubs or four
new Cubs and that figure might soon rise
to 20 well as a given point 24 the area
they live in will be too large and
chances are they might also split
very good
so let’s all work very hard let’s make
sure we get lie on to this afternoon and
I am working hard now I am somewhere
around the buffers hook them I’m trying
to check if maybe I can find those liens
the ones we saw yesterday the mating
press the two couples were in this area
yesterday and since the rain they got
they haven’t been spotted yet since
yesterday so after the rain they went
maybe they went to the buffers hook
asked from head buffers with just about
five minutes the mating pairs that is
quite a lovely question mating pairs on
these layers they can stay together for
about seven days and more less than two
weeks and in that seven consecutive days
they’ve got to be mating four times
approximately an hour that is quite a
responsibility so that is why sometimes
lions are mating they lose quite a lot
of body condition they become thin
especially if the female went on heat
before they eat something then it
becomes a challenge because the male
doesn’t want to go and interact with the
other males where the food is so they
always isolate each other for mating so
they lose body condition and look very
so but the one woman female and the one
Avoca we’re lucky because they have met
during the feeding on the buffalo so
they ate and after that they went for
mating and it started there so we are
still going to see them for a while
because this meeting started three days
ago so the stairs got at the staff got a
so I’m just trying to check some tracks
here around the Guara pen this is more
or less the same kind of an area we left
them yesterday so far the inaud tracks
so we are going to expect a lot of
babies it means add more or less the
same kind of month we might have babies
from both females because all these
females they started meeting at the same
so now let’s quickly cross over to a man
well certainly keep looking keep looking
because there is by getting some trucks
that will lead you to something
interesting now there’s one major
difference between the Mara triangle and
juma in terms of vegetation the morrow
is open it is vast and you can spot an
animal from like what
sometimes five kilometers not every
animal I’m not talking of ants or
earthworms I’m talking a big game for
example elephants because you do not
need to get your followers to sport some
elephants you just need to open your
eyes and open them hard and you’ll end
up with some Ares
that’s one of the differences between
where we are and Duma in terms of
visibility good afternoon
more ladies than gentlemen I would say
because in Elise or in herds of
elephants ideally you see more girls and
maybe with the young ones and very few
if any males unless of course there’s a
bit of a meeting going on so in heart
like this how to maybe think all of
these are girls and some youngsters and
of course the youngsters could be either
both boys or girls one massive female
there I’m guessing that one is a female
she is huge by in his turn and I mean
Jenny could we ever do bushwalking
tomorrow yes it’s doable but I think it
has never been tried and I think the
management thinks it’s a bit dangerous
but maybe one day they might do it but
we do not do any bush walks here and
what I think Jenny I was just talking a
few minutes ago that there’s a huge
difference in terms of vegetation or the
habitat between where we are and Juma in
the sense that here you see animals from
a long long way so should you see
elephants out guess it could be a bit
tricky and elephants can easily come and
find you you know while you are just
trying to guess but Jenny we have not
done any bush walks here and maybe one
day and when you ask the authorities
they like while they have their own
reasons but it’s also possible with
proper planning and with the proper
training because guys are trained and
they’re always just in case carry a gun
for protocol they know areas to go how
to read the body language of animals how
to look at trucks so maybe one day but
as it is now the new bush walks that are
done in the Mara hello there you can see
the difference in terms of habitats as I
was saying earlier the openness or the
vastness of the Mara you can see all the
way to the horizon the only visual
pollution they got now are these
elephants and the trees in the
background there but you can see all the
way to the sky and you’re not a very
high elevation I’m talking about 2,000
meters where I am now you know give or
take 5,000 feet above sea level but it
all looks plain or flat kind of a
hundred eighty degrees pretty young ones
there some calves
trying to feed on that particular bush
it definitely there’s something they
child of the universe always got to good
hear your name well then no no one no
particular animus I would say a child of
the universe in Amara that will have a
particular season to get the race for
example elephant’s child of the universe
they breed all around the Rhinos the
same buffaloes the same some tricky lows
have the large animals the to think of
buffalos elephants and rhinos they will
like be breeding or meeting or having
the Cubs in charge of the universe all
around a.m. so the only other animals I
would think that could have a particular
period to have the young ones are the
wildebeest but of course those ones
would get the young ones in Serengeti
National Park or the West Sun gorenberg
conservation area in Tanzania well
elephants very good entertaining us we
need to move and we also need to take
you to South Africa to my friend Tristan
well indeed and so we’re not with the
cheetah but there you will see dangling
in the bowels of a tree is a carcass now
unfortunately that caucus is not on our
side of the road it’s sitting in a
inside tortured at the moment and we
can’t go in there but we think that that
carcass might be for husana we not
actually weren’t even on our way to him
we’re trying to get to Chitra to try and
follow up on a report that some civility
is around and we kind of came across a
carcass in the tree and so apparently
the guys say to me who you’ve gone me
now that’s
hasanah might it be the one that’s there
I’m just trying to see if I can get a
view of any leopard actually at the tree
itself but let’s see there’s the kind of
base of the tree David can you see
anything I see a tail there’s a tail
there yes there’s a head in a tail so if
anybody can ID our leopard from that
then good luck hopefully you can and
you’ll be able to pick up a I would say
it is hasana there we go he’s turned his
head so there’s no sonic at hello boy
there’s lots and lots of vultures around
so I wonder if he didn’t steal this from
something but there is husana he’s
unfortunately deep and tortured and
there’s gonna be a lot of cars that want
to go there so we’re not gonna stay with
him too long but interesting that he is
that’s definitely kind of good news at
least he’s got himself a meal and now we
know where he’s been hanging out which
is down here on the sort of south west
and bime south eastern boundary and kind
of just north of chitra dam is pretty
much where we are at the moment and it
explains why he’s been absent but he’s
definitely got a carcass it’s not a very
big carcass and so he’ll be a happy boy
the problem is is that they were lots of
vultures when we first got sure now
typically carcass in a tree is not
something that attracts vultures all
that easily and so I’m wonder if he
maybe didn’t get this carcass from
somewhere else and he’s stolen it you
know there’s been a lot of wild dogs
around and those kind of things often
they’ll leave bits of a carcass and that
attracts vultures and that’s maybe why
he’s found this carcass I don’t know but
Carroll you say everyone’s been very
worried about him yes it’s never nice
when we don’t see a sauna for a few
is really nice and we saw him at least
the albeit very very far away and very
brief at least we’ve managed to kind of
get some sort of visual of him and if he
goes up into the tree it would actually
not be too bad but you can see look at
his belly is huge so he’s been sitting
on food for quite some time he’s been
eating a lot and I don’t know if this
carcass is it and he’s just kind of been
eating this one oh man maybe he managed
to find this carcass today and has been
sitting on a different carcass through
the course of the last few days so it’s
interesting either way his tummy is
absolutely massive so it’s gonna be
interesting to see what happens now
entreatingly enough Sabri and cub like I
say are some way in the Melua nene which
from here to where husana is is all
about I would say maybe 300 metres 400
metres and it’s gonna be intriguing to
see if asana actually heads that
direction it’s gonna be very very
interesting but he’s kind of just lay
down at the moment so we’re gonna carry
on we’re gonna leave him there
unfortunately there’s two other cars
that are coming in this direction so
maybe if a little bit later if he’s up
in the tree we’ll come back and kind of
spend some time with him but very cool
to see your Sanne I’m very glad to see
him won’t be it’s not very nice visual
Sonoran tea Hosanna you need to come
back this way and then maybe we’ll get
in the meantime Burt let’s send you back
across to Sydney who I’m sure will be
happy to hear that things are starting
to change and maybe our luck will change
and his luck will change too
congratulations to Tristan for finding
you hosts been seeing him for quite a
long time now I am still around here but
the bother spook area checking around
this day I am now checking the northern
part of the dam to see if maybe we can
find these lions and I am sometimes even
stopping and killing the engine so that
I can hear if there is any of their
mating rituals taking place very much
quiet at the moment
yeah but the Lions when they are mating
they take a little bit of nap wake up
and carry on so maybe there are
III didn’t get your question if you can
sigh that is quite a very very important
question and it’s one of the interesting
questions so let me explain this in full
the ostrich cycle of the female has got
nothing to do with the presence of a
male and this is how it works the female
when the air condition is right due to
some of the ostrich and hormones she
goes on oestrus and she can be on ultras
when the male is not there if he is
around then is lucky to detect oestrus
at early stage as these lions females
are walking around is when they will
meet these males and then mostly the
females when they excited they approach
the males and the males will come and
confirm by sniffing the genitals of the
females and detect if she is ready for
mating sometimes they merge themselves
can also drive and film a female to go
on oestrus and the following condition
when the female has got the Cubs after a
fight with a new male of the dominant
male when fighting an intruder if the
intruder wins the fight we have seen a
lot doing what is called – infanticide
killing the baby of the previous male
when the female sees the baby’s dead
that gives the female a lot of stress
female lions under stress the oestrogen
hormone gives a lot of hormone in order
to drive the female back into austra so
that the male can start their own
so sometimes males can drive the female
so but the the mating pairs we saw
there’s oestrus they all took place and
a normal condition so now while I am
still searching for the Lions let’s
quickly go back to the fully belly to
well it’s not Hosanna Sydney we’ve
proven a few hundred meters cat sitting
under the tree so this is not civilian
cab either who are also again not even
100 meters from where we are so there’s
four leopards seemingly in a row here
now it looks like Columba to me I
haven’t really got a good look yet and I
haven’t been able to look with my
binoculars property and so you guys
would have got a good shot there with
the camera and so I would have wasn’t
sure when we first caught you and then I
bumped into somebody that I haven’t seen
in many many many years that was
actually at Sangeeta when I was training
there so I had a quick chat to him as we
bumped into this leopard and then so I
haven’t actually had a chance to even ID
who it is but I think lumber is who it
looks like which makes me wonder if
maybe that kill in the tree was not
Tandy’s and Columbus and maybe hosana
has come in and found it due to the
vultures being around but you can see
there she’s sitting she’s gonna hit kind
of side and I can use my binders to have
a little look at that spot bettan is
that you go you’ve gotten quite big if
it is you it looks like you so it’s
crazy there’s just cats everywhere at
this stage of the afternoon lots and
lots of spotty bums but all in the wrong
places so this is in height once again
inside tortured which is not really
ideal I don’t see any sign of Tandy at
the moment you can see there’s a few
vultures this I wonder if maybe there’s
more of a kill somewhere in this side
and maybe that’s kind of what’s going on
Michelle vyas very possible I mean you
misunderstand if Tandy killed the day
before and then she kind of finished
that up and came down here and killed
again if clallam bay ate a little bit
she ate a birds and in husana rocks up
and eights as much as he looks like he’s
eaten then it’s very possible that that
could have been you know it’s could have
been what’s that now 24 hours 36 hours
so it’s a lot of food but there has been
eaten but you know these cats – I can
put away quite a bit so it’s interesting
to kind of figure out exactly what
happened but the way that Columbus
sitting as close as she is to where
husana was makes me think that
potentially Tandy had that guilt or
she’s also been attracted to the
vultures much like you know predators
are they often do come and kind of get
curious with vultures and they’ll come
and try and investigate what’s going on
and what’s happening and try and kind of
see how everything’s going but it amazes
me that we’ve got like I say sube and
cub Columba and hasana within a very
small sort of space now Serbian cub is
gonna be an interesting one because
they’re not going to be very happy about
seeing Columba she’s gonna have to be
very careful with Sibley being around
she would not want to tangle with her
vasanas not a problem because he’s bulky
enough to take care of himself even with
the likes of Sibley and so it’s gonna be
an interesting kind of evening that’s
going to play out hopefully you know
little Columba actually hits north it’s
not good for us and if she moves
northwards but and in terms of the kind
of way things go it would be better in
the long run if she went away from where
we is it’s gonna be an interesting
afternoon that’s for sure I wonder if
asana will be kind of brave enough to
leave his kill and wander down towards
the Mullaney need to come and
investigate what’s going on down here
and bump into all of these leopards on
returned Monique you say did I cover
myself in catnip once again so no I
didn’t it was actually to be honest with
you there’s quite worried about this
afternoon because we obviously have our
TV show and we had nothing this morning
and but kind of concerned as to where
everybody is but it seems as though
everyone decided to have a party on the
main road close to chitwa and so it was
kind of just coming down and seeing
what’s going on this side the the thing
is is that you know there’s obviously
been kind of some interaction between
these leppas I don’t think that they can
all be in the same place at once with
this many vultures without anybody kind
of realizing that there’s a liquid here
so I think they’ve all kind of come in
for the same reason and I wouldn’t be
surprised if hosana there’s another
lipid behind us hello Dundee so there’s
Tandy – I think it’s dundee behind us
yes there comes Columbo that’s very very
so there’s actually five lipids in this
bag in case of I don’t even it’s not
even 500 meters that these five cats and
you can see their tummies are full so I
think they were on that kill as well but
how awesome is this to have time the
entry number and hopefully they’re gonna
move into chapter because that will
allow us to be able to follow them so
you’re just gonna turn around so we can
actually see them hello Tandy
it’s exciting there’s a cool if they got
another kill they looks like it they do
so they’ve got another kill here so
there’s actually three kills in the
space of 500 meters by the looks of
things so you can see there’s another
kill right there David can you’ve got a
good line of shots but Ricky with her
face but there we go there’s another
carcass right over there which is
absolutely crazy so we’ve got what’s not
on the kill these two wanna kill and
sabri and cub wanna kill down in the
Malloy and Nene so three different
leopard kills in five hundred meters
which is pretty insane any way that you
look at it but good fast its it’s good
news it means that you know we’ve got at
like at least lots going on in the
course of this evening but what it
wasn’t means is that maybe Sydney wants
to come and head down towards chatter
I’m not sure if it’s possible tech wise
and forget these things these days but
if he wants to maybe head down towards
chitwa and he can kind of come and maybe
go to one of the other lipids I think
that would be a probably a good idea
given that we’re not gonna be able to
cover all of these by ourselves and I’m
sure you guys want to see Sibley and cub
– I don’t think the Cubs ever been seen
on any of our live drives so it would be
nice if she was also kind of put on
camera at some point but either way very
very cool kind of a afternoon that’s
developed out of absolutely no way and
it’s blustery kind of conditions and I
thought we can have it really kind of
tough afternoon to be able to see you
know tani and Colombia and Hassan and
have all of these cats come out has been
pretty insane so I’m very very lucky at
the only problem with reciting like this
in this particular areas that it’s going
to be a complete fun fight because
there’s going to be cars going up and
down and being on the main road it’s
obviously going to be a bit tricky
there’s gonna be a lot of people kind of
moving on and so what I hope that’s
gonna happen is tönnies actually gonna
move this deep into chitwa or and that
will just kind of make everything a
little bit more sort of settled as we
have as many cars but how cool is this
I’m so happy right now that we managed
to find these to you I kind of driving
along going down towards where we
thought Sibley was and kind of there was
a little alum but just sitting on the
side of the road and I actually didn’t
even look to my right because I spotted
her first and I must have just driven
straight past Tandy which she probably
did not enjoy at all yeah very cool
though but we might just reposition
ourselves and just get into a bit of
spots while we do that though let’s send
you back up to the Maasai Mara and David
who I think is on in the search for his
sausages and hopefully with some luck
he’ll manage to find them by the end of
the evening we lived the elephant kept
moving on heading towards the area I’m
hoping to get some lions today but of
course although as usual along the way
you meet a lot of traffic and you have
found this traffic of islands the
largest antelopes that we got in Africa
huge and my guess is the males it seemed
like to be four boys massive in size
always a little bit bigger and then the
females in terms of horns and body
morphology and everything else now when
we talk of my aggression
we’ll always talk of wildebeest zebras
but also we got or we shall have a small
percentage of the migration that
consists of this antelopes here that are
called innards and one of it or the one
you see on the back and this about
trying either to get some ticks or mites
to birds actually from its body you’ll
get most of these herbivores being happy
you know inhabited by ticks or mites and
these bars that you call ox because
will always help them or remove them in
a kind of relationship that we call
symbiosis or submerge relationship and
the two types of walk speakers in the
red-billed or the yellow bill dog
speakers now my guess is these are four
boys here there isn’t a single cow
males in general being begins hesitancy
a little gray in color
it’s a massive jewel up till half was
the one in the front a young male here
could be a little younger than the other
four well we will just have to move a
little bit so that we make our
destination where I’m hoping to go and
get the Lions all right wonderful light
at the moment just looking nice feels
very very good and in the kind of grass
we have now I will not be surprised to
spot something from a distance and
comfortably I’ll be able to pick
whatever I see excellent just friends of
ours who are just moving are they are
very good we’ll talk to you very good
are you let’s go back to Tristan and téa
yes we’re still sitting at these two
knob while we’ve been kind of off a I’ve
been trying to chat to everybody and
there’s obviously mass confusion because
everyone thought this was subway in cab
and obviously you quite clearly it’s
quite clearly it’s not it’s Tandy and
cly lumber and so everyone was a little
bit of thought it would be odd for those
two to be this close to these two and
not be any sort of altercation what was
going on like 100 metres between those
two cats given that we know Tandy and
sub we have already fought before would
be very odd and and this position
forcibly would be strange she’s never
come up this far and to drag a cub this
way would have been quite interesting so
it’s a little bit of a mystery solved
it’s tangent column and not Sibley that
are kind of in this area but it’s really
good news for us because you know you
can see she’s got a substantial meal
it’s gonna probably keep her here for
most of the afternoon the problem is the
hyenas will eventually come and they
will you know basically if she doesn’t
get it up into a tree it’s gonna be a
bit of a problem the other thing is is
that she hasn’t chosen in you Enya a
nice tree if she goes at the tree that
she’s in I don’t think we would see her
there’s so much kind of vegetation
around it and it’s a pity because
there’s so many nice marilla’s just to
the back from where she is and would
have been so nice to kind of see money
not as far as we know so boys Cubs
theoretically should have been fathered
potentially by this this unknown male
that’s kind of been hanging around
little Gauri vessels the one that’s has
been who sorts I think was Taylor was it
or somebody got a visual of him one day
and so he’s around and we think it’s him
all potentially may be a male from Walla
Walla but quarantine could be an
outsider but I don’t think ting honor
there was no ever there was never a sign
of him mating with her and you didn’t
really go down much at all but now you
can see little Columba she’s trying to
kind of be submissive and playful and
she’s trying to almost show off to tandy
to try and kind of let her feed on this
impala but Annie’s having nothing
she’s eating as much as she can and is
really kind of going to town what I
wonder is maybe if this particular
maybe didn’t get killed and had a little
baby inside and maybe Hassan has gotten
the baby and Tandy and Columbo have got
in this part of it it’s interesting
because they’re just too close for them
not to have known about each other
leopards are very very perceptive
they’ll watch birds of prey they’ll
smell things and the way the wind is
blowing this wind is pushing straight to
where Tandy and Columba oh I mean where
husana has been so they should know
about each other making here
she’s getting upset Tandy she’s hissing
and growling while trying to eat at the
same time it can’t be easy to have a
hooligan child like Columba she’s but a
were cut out we know over the past year
and a bit it’s taken a lot of effort to
sort out Tandy our dilemma and kind of
keep her safe let go so nice to see
right now our day is infinitely gotten
better with a lot of spots but it’s also
some tawny cats that have Pierre done
creeped out of the woodwork and Jaime’s
don’t even think about it my boy
I’ll explain everything in a second okay
all right I’m gonna move back from you
that’s it lie down here we go okay okay
all right I’m gonna move very very
very sad words this is the skittish VOCA
male presumably sorry I couldn’t take my
eyes off him for a second there because
there is a very good chance that he was
already when we drove in he was a bit
unhappy but when then obviously when the
female walked towards us there was
nothing I could do I couldn’t move then
because that aggression while he was
about to mate with her would have
provoked him so all we’re doing is we
the space here oh did you get that shot
of him hissing at us awesome I wish I
very cool
very very cool okay cool so we settled
down a nice comfortable distance the
females going to keep doing that to us
which is well I mean we’ve got cats
coming out of our ears now I mean I know
these were the Lions that Sydney was
looking for we were looking for 10 Ghana
but we’ve stumbled upon them instead if
anybody says to you that the feeling of
a Lions growl doesn’t travel through
their chest and they’re lying to you
it does and it has a kick start straight
to your adrenal gland whether or not you
want to admit it lots of people have
been in the bush for many years and will
refuse to concede that but they’re wrong
it does right I apologize for the
breakup apparently every time we move
our vehicle it causes a few issues which
of course is par for the course that’s
ok well probably the correct decision
here is for me to go home and for Sydney
to make his way in because if they move
further into the stranger if they move
around like that then with we will have
to move with them so if we’re having a
yeah ah ok
all right well we’ll figure this all out
as we go along and so Sydney it is
apparently with Tandy now we’re playing
we’re playing swap the Lions round cats
round yes no it’s not Sydney Jamie it is
with me but anyway what you don’t often
see is that as what I was about to say
is tulip it’s feeding on a carcass at
once and you can see why they don’t like
it when it’s not like lions reliance or
often feed on the carcass at the same
time lipids are not like that they
generally get a little bit upset if
somebody else is feeding on the exact
as what they are answered Columba is
kind of pushing her luck a little bit
she’s managed to find herself a little
snack there that she’s going to kind of
feed off and try and get but these two
cats are absolutely full full full and
after making a kill two days ago we were
talking about it just now would they be
able to make another kill well most
definitely and as you can see there it’s
a rather large kill – now what is Tandy
doing she’s almost dragging it along and
he’s going to feed off it the Sun maybe
she’s just prepping just so that it’s
close enough to a tree that if she needs
to get it up she can I mean that’s gonna
be a heavy carcass for her the chances
of her keeping this during the course of
the night is going to be quite tricky
and yes I made a lot of aggression today
everybody’s getting a little bit grumpy
with one another hello little a number
what are you doing she’s such a funny
cat this as well how cool is this the
absolutely awesome to have these two
cats here together I’m so glad that they
are around it’s lovely to kind of be
able to find them and spend time with
them the problem is that we’re not going
to spend much time with him here
unfortunately now there’s many many many
many cars that want to come through the
sighting and so given that we would like
to have them a little bit later we’re
probably going to make some space just
now and allow everybody else to rotate
through and then we can come back a
little bit more in the evening so Jenny
while dogs are most difficult rates of
lipids and that’s very cool to see tulip
it’s feeding off a carcass it’s not very
often that you’ll get that at the same
time like I say they very seldom all
tolerates one another feeding it’s just
lucky that this carcass is so stretched
that they’re actually doing it but back
to the question it’s a while dogs can be
dangerous tulip is for sure both can be
dangerous to one another it depends
obviously on the circumstance in numbers
and so if you know an adult male their
kid comes across a puppy or something
like that
it’s going to be able to kill it but
like there is 18 dogs we saw the other
day would be a major threat to leopards
and your final episode try and get up
into a tree as quick as possible in
order to try and get away and to try and
kind of move
and trying to sort of establish
themselves as you know get away from
that kind of area
I mean happen to try and stay as safe as
possible so you know it’s it’s one of
those kind of things in the way it kind
of works is that they’ll often try and
now we’ve got a tug of war between mom
and daughter look you silly cat well you
can see Tandy is much stronger than
Columbus go I don’t know what what she
was thinking that little fella thought
she might be able to pull mom back but
he certainly tried for a little bit
didn’t she you would like your cousin
your brother should I say horse on a
half brother absolutely clowns cats but
she’s so much fun to watch I’ve believed
a lot of you enjoyed that thoroughly I
did you as well
right now like I said unfortunately we
are gonna have to make space and is a
lineup that is longer than the number of
fingers on my digit on my hands and so
I’m going to have to kind of give up a
spot and just let other people come
through like I said we’ll come back
later we went sort of leave it until too
late we’ll come back before the end of
drive but while we do that let’s send
you back across to David in the Maasai
Mara see if he’s had any luck on his
side hopefully he does because it seems
as though the tables are turning and
slowly but surely luck is starting to
come my way
how exciting to see lope or zero and
especially to see such a young star
Alexa lumber playing now I remember a
few days ago we were having a little
poll on Cubs of all sorts of cuts we
think of cheetahs leopards and lions and
we’re asking the viewers quit on the
think is most entertaining in play
I think majority of the people agreed
that leopard cubs are the sweetest and I
think that is true and initially we
started the poll amongst ourselves I
think those between myself and Christian
and to Sydney and we started lions and
leopards and three of us in unison
agreed leopard cubs
more fun which I think should be the
case well I was saying earlier we we so
tool approximating here at the beginning
of the year and hopefully if we’re gonna
have our own Cubs in Amara we shall see
a new or Kenyan lumber playing maybe by
the end of March or early April who
knows I’m almost getting to the area I
call the sausage republic and I’ve given
it that particular name because the
pride of lions around here defend this
territory with your teeth you know with
your clothes with your might and they do
not allow any other lions lionesses
around here not only do they fight other
lionesses oh you know they also fight
other predators like hyenas so should a
hyena come here just by mistake and
threat Crisco this area the sausages
will always do a very quick piece of
work to get them out of this area well I
think Jamie got more interesting
predators than myself would go back to
her and of course they chose to mate
right behind the car once again what an
enthusiastic mating this and by that I
don’t mean you know the the 30 seconds
or so that the actual act taste takes I
just mean that the frequency with which
they’re mating
is quite impressive we know that it’s
early days because apparently they were
on a buffalo kill two days ago it was
only yesterday that they started mating
and they’re obviously really going into
the full sort of cycle of her Easter us
now so he’s very very possessive of her
which is partly why the combination of
the fact that he’s not entirely relaxed
with vehicles and the fact that well
he’s mating combined to make a slightly
more aggressive lion aggressive is the
wrong word really that implies some sort
of fault
well city’s coming so he’s arriving at
the speed of light everyone I could hear
him I can hear him coming from my
high-speed Sydney speedy Sydney he needs
a name
alrighty we’re going to guide Sydney in
he is enthusiastically making his way
towards us let us send you a cross to
david while we do that to see what he
has to say
yesterday i was saying you know the
sausages also do not only fight other
lions that should come to this area and
especially females but they also fight
other predators like highness so this is
the reason or what’s the reason why i
call this area they control it and
there’s no any other lions we have seen
coming here the only thing or the only
power is to cause the collision of west
ideally i’m sure you know in the lions
kingdom there else will always decide
who will be meeting with who or who will
be where but ideally the females make
sure no other females come around well
we have heard before the current tumors
that have been made to the sausages that
i called the old owner pike two
youngster third column or two males
before them there was another coalition
of missed and was one dominant male that
was called key pulley who joined most
likely two youngsters from where this
particular pride and they formed a
coalition now it has been some time we
haven’t seen them we do not know where
they are
and I think the two boys now of the old
owner Pike are the reigning champions of
this particular territory yesterday we
show the sausages had brought down a
and a male Buffalo which was very good
I think to me is a very but of course
the to love following and one of them is
good King tell King still has bent on
hotel but as they try to find out where
they could be today we’ll take you back
to Sydney in South Africa so you can see
the pause that we are right now with the
mating pair
just taking it over fee at the moment
all the credits for this afternoon with
these liens goes to Jamie is the one who
found them and congratulations to her so
you can see that the mating continues as
we left them yesterday so they they are
going to have a very busy week so now
you can see that the mail is right there
he doesn’t want to hear anything he
doesn’t want to move away from this
female and this is normally this is
every time the male has got a female
they become so very much protective and
sometimes they are even active even much
more aggressive against also the
this is the same one we were with
so when the female is starting to wave
wave details a lot is when she’s gonna
wake up and ask him to come and carry on
with his responsibilities can see this
male looks very beautiful
but look at all those clash marks you
can see that he has been fighting a lot
they are focused they are not that very
much old they’re just now close to four
years or about four years but if you
look at the scratch marks you can see
that he has been really fighting for a
most of the time so it’s good that the
other brother who is together with him
so you can see now you can see annex
lions are just very very much relaxed as
I have indicated see the female is
starting to wave the tail they can see
magic juggle with that this is a sleep
indeed you can see that these clowns
they look very tired but at least we
know the reason why they are so very
much tired but apart from this kind of
responsibility is normal this kind of
big cats are during the day they prefers
to sleep but now the weather is changing
I can see that is becoming overcast and
when it’s overcast the temperature when
is slow the Lions they do start walking
around but at the moment there is no
need for this to to walk around because
they are mating but those who are not
part of any mating activities is the
ones who are now encouraged by this kind
of weather for them to go out and do
Kathy and it’s very much young to have
this kind of scars why am I saying this
because if these kind of liens are just
now about a focus just now above four
years old when this kind of animals
reach four years is when they are
reaching the right level of maturity
some of them they start to mate when
they’re four some even more than five
that is determined by the strength and
competition in the area so this kind of
scars on this kind of a aged animal I
think is too much at this stage so this
is what we expect to any smash older
I can see that the main day’s bald a
little bit it’s moving at the ears all
the time so now let’s quickly across
over to David by the Maasai Mara who’s
got something very interesting my
feather friend is one of the most unique
mods you’ll see in Africa because
actually these but here it is an eagle
and we call her the secretary bird
because she will always spend most of
her time on the ground that’s why I’m
saying she is unique and I’m sure we all
know egos will be up in the air patched
up on trees and I would say not exactly
an eagle but she is very closely related
to egos and this is the secretary bad
and bad it’s into a hunter’s bad that’s
why they call it secret robot which is a
friend shaker up ssin of Arabic
secretary always get them on the ground
while they’ll be looking for prey of all
sorts you might think of and they do a
lot of cannibals I’m talking of them
getting grasshoppers getting locusts
getting small mammals rodents mice and
once some world you also got them
catching snakes and they used a very
strong feat to you know kill the snakes
they stamp on them as you see them they
walk in very strong feet and talents
and in generally going to a male and a
not sure where the other one could be
they’re very monogamous but always tend
make you see they’re quite funny-looking
and especially when they walk you know
they’re nothing anything similar to like
the vultures you see they’re up on that
phone tree there and I think the
secretary bird was more appealing or
more beautiful than the vultures you see
on this phone tree they look like
flowers what do you think they look like
flowers on this tree here and a few
different types of vultures yeah African
of white back to vultures I guess and
there’s good hooded vultures and
naturally will always think
associate vultures with kills and I was
saying alia when I was around this place
yesterday the sausages had brought
themself down they had brought herself
some dinner for the nave for the Nivea
and they had a huge Buffalo that they
had prayed on I think the night before
last and when I left they had eaten like
almost half of it and I guess chances
are they still have most of it left
or if finished do not have moved very
far from that particular area and seeing
these vultures here is a clear
indication that the sausages are still
there very good so I leave his fortress
and try to go to the same place I saw
the sausages yesterday and even Blackie
will be able to see them let’s first go
so these vultures will always indicate
that there’s something dead somewhere
and we’ve all seen it with something
that somewhere then the owners of that
tray all that kill could be there and
chances are there’ll be some sort of
now vultures to me are always associated
with big predators like lions and I’m
talking of yes for those of you who are
joining us now when I talk of the
sausages is a particular pride of lions
that sleeves in this particular area and
we’re calling the sausage tree of pride
because they’ve been found to climb
particular trees here in Kenya or in the
Mara triangle that I could associate
trees and they love climbing them and to
get away from the Flies if the so many
flies in the grass on the ground here or
if it’s too hot and they want some
shaded area they tend to climb those
particular trees if you are lucky today
and you see those trees will tell you
why we also call them the sausage trees
because when the bear fruit the fruit
take the shape of associate justice or
such that we eat earlier we had a
secretary pardon I’m sure all something
different there we got different on tops
and we got what we call a twist very
good job Bungay on the horizon there we
good harvest and how to be served some
antelopes that’s a similar to other
antelopes that we call top is very
particular this harvest definitely happy
was and fitting at that very top area of
Wow we’re going to be moving because I
need to get the sausage just before it
gets dark and as they do that we’ll take
well you are back with me and we are
slowly bumbling down to Chitra dam to go
and see what’s happening at the dam we
need to go and see if there’s any sign
of any of the practicals that’s often
hang around here and just kind of
generally just take it easy for a while
until the sort of madness settles up
there and then we can go back again to
many corners of crazy up there so you
know how I have a phobia for cars I’ll
try and avoid there as much as I can
when it comes to sort of that area and
so rather come and have a little look
that chapter damn and see what’s
happening on this side of the world
it’s always a good site to come is off I
haven’t been here in so long I don’t
even know what it looks like really
I can actually remember the last time I
was sort of live from childred am and
did any sort of segments of any sort of
description actually it’s been a long
time anyway it’s exactly it’s it’s still
a big puddle of water in fact it’s
actually not as big as it should be it’s
still quite low actually you can see the
island hasn’t taken place sorry excuse
cups a little bit there so the lines
have I mean there the island hasn’t
taken place and what I’m seeing lines of
maybe it’s because I heard Lions just
now having an absolute nightmare to talk
the soft and you know I don’t know
what’s going on I’ve been struggling to
speak to anyone really so it’s been a
bit tricky yes the words get them out I
need to do the word exercises and I
during the break before we start our TV
shows but anyway hippos are everywhere
no sign of any of the Pratt Nicole’s
that are here so I don’t know if they’ve
arrived or maybe they’re not going to
come this year which would be quite sad
it’s one of the few places and in fact
it’s the only place in the soybean sands
that I had know of that you can get a
regular sighting of they won’t used to
be able to get a regular sighting of
them so it’ll be a bit sad if they don’t
come to this area but nice to have the
hippos they busy bobbing about as they
do they like to kind of pop in the water
it’s very easy and especially on a day
like today I suppose it’s not exactly
bad weather the water will probably be
very pleasant to be honest been fairly
warm during the middle part of the day
and it’s not just slowly starting to
kind of cool down a bit to this river
breeze and cars that are blowing in but
I suppose being a hippo water in some
months is your best friend chatter damn
deer definitely has a lot of water to
still kind of gain and fill it up and
the fact that these islands are no
longer Islands are the really big one on
the Rights means that it’s still very
very low and it it means a lot more
water until it’s back to its normal sort
of state and that’s obviously going to
take a bit of time but at least this
process has started it must have been
very low before the kind of rains
arrived recently and when you’ve got an
expanse of water like this the problem
with it is that is a lot of evaporation
you get a huge amount of wind that blows
as well as Sun and that causes this to
kind of dry out quite quickly so
specimens very hard temperatures now
this is my favourite little birds that
we see a cheetah are around though these
little three banded puffers and remember
loss was last year the year before
actually I can’t even remember now and
where we had the little tiny baby chicks
and the eggs that we found and so these
are all three banded clubbers are very
cool little birds I always loved
watching them kind of move around and
pick around free insects no sign of any
little ones with them today but maybe
their chicks or somewhere here and we’ll
be able to find them at some point
scenic no no the fish eagles that I can
see I was scouting about but they don’t
see any fish eagles at all what I can
see is a spoonful that is sitting looks
like a spindle it has a spring bow face
that’s sitting on the top of that tree
so it looks like to be a spindle that’s
sitting there but no fish eagles that I
can spot at the stage I’m looking in the
jackal berry that’s off to the downside
looking in the dead trees but no sign of
where he likes where they like to
normally sit they might be on the other
side of the dam somewhere they often do
sit there’s a tree that’s kind of in
front of the last rooms that they
sometimes death right well we are you
going to millibars on chatter we’ll
amble and see what we can find in the
meantime they’re back up to David who
has been successful and has found
exactly what he was looking for very
good Tristan
chitra area is always a wonderful and
very productive area and I got a very
gentleman here who a quick look on one
of his left eyes I thought he could an
injured left eye but that is not
stopping him from devouring this male
Buffalo that I was talking about I was
here yesterday I’m saying I did not have
to work very hard to come and dress this
wonderful setting and for those of you
who could be little disturbed over
‘scrimish by watching something like
this you may choose not to watch and
maybe do something different or switch
onto another channel or switch off and
maybe come back later but again this is
how things go here this is the chain and
this is the food chain here in Africa
wilderness now this man belongs to the
old owner Pike Mel’s
he’s the coolest of bears I was talking
about I was too I do not know where the
other one is I just found this one
feeding on this particular
Buffalo male that was I think killed and
I’d be foolish I do not know why the
Gaza but definitely I was sure they’re
not very fun look on his left eye and I
think he he is injured even what’s wrong
you got a scar there and he looks a
little bit blood bloody and you can see
he isn’t opening it properly and I think
here it’s a must have either he was and
he got an infection or he was involved
in the fights because it’s Luke
Siddalee infected it looks little bloody
it looks like it’s got a scar so it
could be both
he’s an infection or it’s the infection
would have come from a scar because if
you look at the very own eyelids they’re
exactly Thank You Bungay
it’s bloody so maybe it’s got a claw
back there it’s got a teeth mark there
and of course in the process he was
wound and then because of the flies and
all that I should definitely get an
infection and I guess he was a proper
infection then both eyes would be
affected but it’s going to be
investigated and find out what you know
could be happening the good news is this
cuts very resilient and they very
quickly recover from such infections he
was an infection of course if it’s a
wound definitely it will come out of it
there’s a particular coalition of Mercy
in Amara triangle that you call this
coffees and that’s the main male ion in
that particular coalition and he got
such a huge scar on the eye and that’s
how he was named disk office and of
course males every other few months
we’ll definitely go for each other for
takeovers of Preds and when that happens
he’s always sometimes life and death
it’s not it’s never walk over so there’s
a lot of clawing the lot of teasing
sometimes they lose the eyes giraffe
rape young yes I mean personally I’m
thinking what this could make some very
nice ribs if we could do some rows to
you know it could be very nice rib eye
Julie you’re saying this is the lion yes
and this is Mel and it belongs to a
coalition of tumors that we call the
all-new pike he belongs to a coalition
of tumors that we called hold on your
pack and definitely can tell if you see
the other one the main the the main is
much darker and much longer than this
one here so this one sometimes we call
him blondie and when they compare the
characters of the other to this one here
is always a little bit Moody a little
bit between Moody and Grandpa there and
the other one is always very cooperative
the times when you look at him he is
like what are you looking at me you know
and I’m guessing chances are he might
have found the girls eating and he
pushed them out with the characters and
until he eats enough and some of the
lions have been known to eat up to 20%
of their body weight you’d imagine if
this guy could be anything 250 kilos or
500 pounds or so he could be eating
almost 50 kilos almost going to help
pounds of meat in you know one sitting I
mean they eat lot lions and that’s why
they end up going flat to be able to
adjust what we have written slowly and
surely also conserving the energy
remember I should have any questions or
any comments you may send them using
hashtag Safari live or Twitter we get a
lot of joy to hear from you boy did you
rise you don’t have a change but is
crush there either way he is very
handsome I mean comparing to the other
one that I think smart handsome than the
I will be waiting hopefully the brother
or the other pride male will be coming
you can see that my pride as well as one
representative of the focus are now
resting but the Avoca is very much
worried I can see that
he is trying to judge something around
here so they have just been mating on
the past 5 10 minutes while you away we
have just missed that action due to some
technical poor signal difficulties so
here I can see that tired at the moment
and they are just like that look at how
beautiful that mean is that is so
I’m not surprised why this female is
staying together with this beautiful a
smiley maned male look at that this is
so amazing this is a gorgeous male you
can see that so the Lions they’ve got to
make mostly every 15 minutes and they
are going to do this for about five to
six sometimes seven days or more and if
you can check if they do five to six
days in full after every 15 minutes it
means they can mate up to 250 times a
so now let’s quickly cross over to
Tristan with a band not just with the
bird Sydney is a bird that is as
beautiful as your male line and could
rival it for good looks and especially
when it sets amongst the greenery of
that weeping wattle to have that bright
kind of iridescent blue ring and that
red beak and white chest makes that
wooden Kingfisher looking as glorious as
you could ever imagine you see it’s got
a little pond very it’s had a bit of a
dip in order to just clean itself up and
make sure that its feathers are all nice
and clean and looked after they often do
this and then people will think that
they’re actually fishing and they’re not
they basically are going there to
essentially clean their feathers out and
so they’ll just drop into water soak
themselves a little bit and they have a
little bit of a bath and then they groom
themselves out and
sure that they are really well looked
after these guys are seriously beautiful
but we’re not sitting here looking at
them just now I was thinking about a
Kingfisher that I saw in the Congo and
while we were there and it’s got to be
one that’s really kind of I suppose
rivals for me rivals these woodlands in
terms of just striking it and the reason
why is is I’ll show you now I’ve just
got to try and find a picture of it if I
can hopefully I’ll be able to but they
they really have this seriously kind of
blue appearance to them they are
incredibly pretty birds vibrant vibrant
vibrant bloom right now I found the
picture but apparently Sydney’s still
with mating pay I wonder if they maybe
you’re gonna mate soon we’ll quickly
send them off to you and then I’ll show
you the Kingfisher when you come back so
you can see that we just caught them by
the right term now but listen to the
that was amazing
you can see that the female is losing
all the energy she can’t even fight him
back now like the beginning a few days
ago whereby after the withdrawal of the
male Oh during the withdrawal she was
turning and scratched his head and tried
to fight back and he was also tally
ating back so you can see this – they
are not gonna go far as they are just
mating after every 15 minutes and more
so they will be around here look at her
training now trying to fix here
copulatory genital passage as the male
it is equipped the male’s
a couple later organ is equipped with
quite a lot of spikes which halves in
order to scratch the internal part of
so you saw the mail he was trying to
grab the female from the back that is
normal this kind of animals when they’re
still very young moved from one place to
another from one den to the other by the
females and when the female grabs by the
back he will see they become lamb and it
can be able chicken be able to move them
so what the male is doing the same thing
trying to stabilize the female from
grabbing hair at the back now he’s damn
indeed she must be exhausted
imagine this is happening after every 15
minutes as I indicated earlier 250 times
if this is happening in full consecutive
five days that is quite a huge
you can see there is trying to pick up
some of this information from the air
particles but he is also going to lie
down he’s not gonna stand there much
longer look at the body now you can see
the stomach is getting empty again he
was so full they just fed on a buffalo
three days ago but all the energy they
are now used in order for them to mate
look at it she wants to rest nicely I’m
sure the female you can see she’s just
relocating apologies for the poor I’m
just gonna try and move a little bit but
you can see that she’s even now moving
away she doesn’t want to see him after
she she has been scratched by this male
during the withdrawal but she will come
back again and she will be the one to
approach him again and ask him again for
another action so now let’s cross back
to Tristan and see how he’s doing it
will happen again soon yeah when they
get into it they certainly don’t hold
do you Lions and cats win they are
mating and so hopefully they will mate
once again for you guys but I was
talking about our Kingfisher so this is
the Kingfisher that I was talking about
so it’s called a shining blue Kingfisher
and you can see why it’s called a
shining blue Kingfisher so it’s got this
you’re a decent dark blue on the sort of
back edge and in this light colored blue
that runs through the middle section
with an orange belly and it really is
striking now it doesn’t look that great
in this picture as unfortunately best
picture I could find because the life
there is quite dull but when we saw them
in the Congo
we were going along one of these little
tributaries that goes out of the bye and
into the main river the Laconia River I
mean kind of going along and then they
flushed out and they winter and sat on
this branch and as they kind of went out
the Sun came out and that color just
went electric electric blue it was
incredible how beautiful they were
really really pretty birds and we had
looked for them for days and days and
days and so I was super happy that we
managed to find them the other bird that
actually occurs up there funny enough
that I forgot completely about is
another Kingfisher that looks almost
like our Woodlands it’s called a
blue-breasted Kingfisher which and it’s
call is actually quite similar to which
is quite interesting they a very kind of
funny-looking bird I suppose actually
closer towards a mangrove Kingfisher
than Earth in a Woodlands but they are
basically there we go hold on I’ve found
a picture David give me two seconds I’m
going to show you so they have a similar
look to the mangroves a Kingfisher that
we see here they’ve got that sort of
black eye strap it’s a little bit
similar as opposed to the
Woodlands but you see the kind of blue
brace band that gives you that name blue
bracelet Kingfisher very very pretty
bird as well and they fly around and
they make this call very similar to the
woodland Kingfisher so scenic do they
all have the same call no and
unfortunately no I can’t play the call
because I actually don’t have the Congo
birds on my phone in terms of the bird
call so I have any other South African
ones and some of the Kenyan ones
unfortunately I wouldn’t be able to play
that for you guys which is a shame
because I would like for you to hear it
funny enough talking about Kingfisher
calls and kingfishers and Congo the
other Kingfisher that we went to go and
see there that is also a very special
bird and in hangs around more in the
forest than any whales it’s called a
chocolate backing fish air and the way
we found it was by listening to its call
and we were walking along one afternoon
and we were in a small group it was all
the boys that were together and we went
on this this epic walk through the
forest and it was just really to go and
see what we could find we weren’t really
looking for anything we were just
whatever there was we would take it and
we were walking along walking along and
we heard this bird calling and one of
the guys that was in our group who’s an
incredible birder and he said no it’s a
chocolate black Kingfisher and quite a
few of us hadn’t seen one so he said no
we’re gonna try and find it and slowly
but surely we tracked through this
forest this Kingfisher call in DaVinci
high up in the canopy about I’d say 25
to 30 metres up we’ve spotted these
chocolate packing fishes that we’re
calling it was really tricky to see them
as a hippo that’s displaying his best
that he can at the moment lots of head
shaking and big displays going on back
there but it was really nice to have
kind of found the the kingfishers and to
find it in that way was awesome and then
while we were sitting with the chocolate
back Kingfisher we then heard this
telltale call of a guinea fowl now they
it’s not like here we commented guinea
fowls running around all over the place
the guinea fowls that are in the Congo
forest all very hard to find they run
around and the Congress is thick its
dense brush that you can’t really see
what’s going on at all and you just hear
this kind of guinea fowl cool and
blew any file this is the one that we
heard calling and it then eventually
went through and we could hear it
calling hear it calling couldn’t see it
and it was close it was within sort of
five meters and we were kind of like
crawling through this undergrowth to try
and get a view of it because the one guy
that was with us was trying to get a
photos and a good very good birder that
I was talking about a guy called Adam he
was trying to get a not Adam that I
normally talk about that said in
comments another Adam and so we had to
Adams on the trip I know very very
confusing and we had a Nicki and a Vicki
so it was you know got a bit tongue-tied
at times but anyway so we were crawling
through the undergrowth and Adam really
wanted a picture and it’s then kind of
flew up this plume can you fall and set
on this perfect little branch and a gap
in the forest and there was this
beautiful kind of green background and
he managed to get a picture of it which
was absolutely amazing and it was only
there for about a second before a few
away and then I was the only at Columbus
we got of a guinea fowl in the in the
days that we were there and we walked
that forest from sunrise to sunset
pretty much every single day so it gives
you an idea of how lucky we were to
actually see it so very very special and
birding in the Congo was unbelievable
there was so many amazing things but
these are hippos are still having a bit
of a play in the background there’s lots
and lots of bouncing around from some of
the hippos you can see some of the wake
in the background good we’re going to
carry on kind of milling about we’ll see
if we can head off towards those lipids
a little bit later but in the meantime
we will send you back across to David
who’s in the Mara and still sitting I
think with his lions well the times as
guys when you go out we miss to see the
big mamas with big animals and we didn’t
spoil the bunch of feathered friends as
we call him and this is one of them and
this one here is some sort of vulture is
a vulture other and it’s called a hooded
vulture hooded vulture and only here for
one reason just to wait until these
lions are going to give his kill and she
can sneak in and start cleaning the
Savannah as is the main job we call them
our garbage collectors but they do such
a wonderful job
so long as this male is here there’s not
much she is going to do we RDSO a whole
bunch of them on top of a tree or on top
of a country and this guy must have hard
I don’t know how many pounds maybe 50 60
70 pounds of meat and you can see how
now he is punting with a very big Betty
and all those flies in her tummy but he
is about what just about under one we
tell about three feet from the keel he
cannot see very far from it because they
know they cannot trust the vultures so
yeah that’s about three feet more or
less in that yeah that can be very each
with all the flies there and this is one
of the reasons why all the fires when
they become a nuisance his friend had
been known to climb the sausage’ trees
well he’s gonna be here and I’ve been
waiting to see if his other brother will
come because you are in the sausage
republic now and the males that rule
this area are called the horned on your
pike now from where we are the key
chalmers are quite a distance and they
have a different territory they have a
different the other coalition is of
three and the very close to the camp
such a long way from could be an hour
plus to the all our pride and that’s how
we usually see the cute remains of three
there’s one code in the half tail
there’s another one called fun and
there’s a third one now these two here
we have not been able to give them names
because I mean we call him the old owner
Pike but they don’t have individual
names because we think they must have
overthrown keep woolly we all know to
Polly got a clip like on his nose and he
got two other youngsters and they formed
a coalition but we don’t know whether
you are he could have gone to serengeti
tonisha how are you and you’d like to
know the largest fred in tomorrow
number one Tunisia in Amara we got over
ten prides in tomorrow triangle over ten
I won’t give them names to you but I’ll
give you one particular one here that we
have because we
the sausage fried now the largest is
called the halal of Pride and honor
Tanisha you can see that after me all
her pride because we are making a song
between me and Bungay and our vows will
be all anyhow that particular pride has
16 members 1 6 that’s pretty large pride
and we think there could be two new
additions in that pride because the
other day it could be like five days ago
I saw one of the other females in that
particular pride and she looked big she
had a swollen belly went away and came
back after few days and I saw two
smaller Cubs with that particular female
so if there are 16 plus this – now we
got 18 so that would be the largest
pride in the Mara triangle well the
sausage of trade is trying to get
chopped because they got five females
here without counting the male’s that
come in and go in a pride will always
count the females and the youngsters and
they got three new Cubs one on you there
for three months old so that makes eight
and of the two other females here we got
two that a pregnant one of them is
called kinky tail and we think or people
the viewers have been thinking she could
be carrying three so we might end up
with 11 and if the other one also have
another three we might have 14 who knows
and it will be catching up very much
with all Allah knows who knows so we’re
just waiting to see I’ve been hoping
that these two girls in his pride will
give us you know new bundles of joy with
the beginning of the year not yet and
you know I think he’s out of my
excitement that I’m thinking she’s lit
and she’s still not do it takes about
what hundred hundred five days to have
the cabs so we’ll see what happens maybe
the next few days but I usually do as
much as I can soon around this area
every other day – sure the I’ll surprise
myself with a new car
well that one just toast and turn around
and there also turn around – South
hello we are back up and running fingers
so hopefully the problems that we were
having with the vehicle have now been
sorted thanks to our amazing tech team
and we are well we are now doing every
single hyena den on Juma we’ve just just
checked ovaries road nothing definitely
not active they are well that one
tunnels actually completely filled with
dirt so they’re not in there so I’m
going back to check our while our
assumption that they’d actually moved
from filaments cut line the nice thing
is it’s nice and cool this evening so
there’s a good chance that they will
actually wherever they are they’ll be
there how’s that for a sentence wherever
they are they’ll be there wherever the
den is there’s a good chance the ad also
there now because it’s it’s cold weather
so they’re not they’re gonna be coming
back to the Cubs early
I hope so we’re gonna go and check for
them on scut line and then the one just
south of that and checked everybody else
I’ve checked Gallagher I’ve checked him
boo-boo I’ve checked Oh
tristin was gonna go past Zoey’s order
but I mean they haven’t used so Easton’s
2015 my knowledge but you never know
and then there’s that den that when you
on cheese and cut Ryan don’t think
they’re gonna be at that den though they
were in our camp last night so in fact
all we really need to do is pick up
through the night wait for them to come
and visit us and then follow them back
although I suspect its ribbon that’s
paying a nightly visit to the camp she
was always her in the past that’s what
we should have done last night who needs
sleep we should have stayed awake and
followed whichever hyena decided to come
and investigate our camp tracks all the
way through going up to people’s doors
sniffing around the bathrooms obviously
someone’s driven there that must be
interested yeah maybe they maybe they’ve
just become really hygienic that we’re
gonna go and use our showers okay we’re
gonna continue the search off you pop
across to Sydney to see if his lines of
feeling amorous so look at how beautiful
that male is like you can see that now
it’s time for them to rest so he’s not
doing anything at the moment but all he
has been doing was just watching and
trying to investigate if there’s any
other animal coming maybe he’s treated a
little bit by the scent of the other
males from far so you can see the female
is just lying down flat behind those
bushes sometimes it can be very
difficult to see the Lions when they are
hiding behind these bodies they can be
so very come a flesh they can blend
he’s a very cute boy you can see but a
focus as a correlation all the members
of that coalition they look very
beautiful if you look at this one he’s
got a very beautiful mane
the other one has got very beautiful
eyes so now let’s quickly cross over to
well indeed you are back with us and we
with one of my favorite things to follow
around at you to them as some of you
might remember from the times that I’ve
been at the dam I often try and find
these little guys and watch them go
about their business now this is for
those of you don’t know it’s called the
green-backed hearing or striated hearing
is also its other name and they run
along the edges and they look for fish
and what they’ll do is they’ll slowly
kind of move and they skulk about and
then they get into little stalk mode
much like a cat does and that’s why I
like them I think they is so fascinating
to watch are you going to do a hunt for
us it’ll be amazing if it does come one
little one
so they aged towards the water and then
they watch and then they find a little
fish and they’ll just kind of dart
forward and then they extend neck neck
now the neck looks though they don’t
have one it almost looks is there they
like Uncle Fester without a neck but
actually what they will do is it’ll
shoot this long neck out and they’ll
kind of stab into these fish and grab
them and then eat them and there’s such
fun to watch actually hunting I
thoroughly enjoy watching these guys go
about their business and it can be a
kind of quite sort of end of your seat
stuff when you watch them sort of
sneaking up and they get themselves
primed and almost like a leopard that
bum Wiggles a little bit and in that
head shoots forward it’s very cool to
see now in the background you might be
hearing a few different bird calls when
this Hey
Whiteface whistling duck that’s calling
which I always love that call always
reminds me that they it’s summer around
here so there’s the spoonball that’s
kind of moving around now sorry I missed
the name and get the question but I have
as I missed the name I was not focused
too well d so d-line don’t can you get
to the hearing quickly it looks like
it’s gonna go hippos in the background
sorry that I’m making a bit of noise but
d-line know I’m not sure if this is the
smallest heron in the world it’s
actually not as small as it looks if it
sits upright and has its neck up it’s
actually quite big
yes hippos we hear you we can hear you
guys in the background it’s okay it’s
aged closer come on are you gonna shoot
your neck art there’s too much noise
going on it’s it’s the head patient and
you wouldn’t think you don’t think that
they would be fish in their yellows but
they are they’re trying to escape all
the predatory fish within the system so
especially things like the catfish that
swim around you know they’ll eat all
these little tiny fish and so they try
and get right up into the shallows where
the catfish can’t go and yes Emma this
hippos don’t want to share the spotlight
today at all they every time we try and
show something they start huffing and
puffing and making all kinds of noise
doesn’t this cool there I think it’s
cool I know that many of you just think
that there’s a bird staring at water but
it’s in the hunt now so it’s trying to
get itself kind of positioned and it’s
waiting there we go you see it’s just
starts to twitch a little bit almost
shot out its Nick now I’m lots of you
are singing The Addams Family song in
reference to my Uncle Fester
kind of comment in the fact that this
has got no neck it doesn’t quite look
like Uncle Fester it’s a pretty bird but
it’s definitely kind of has that same
doesn’t it it’s all round with very
small little legs and suppose if Uncle
Fester had a beak there would be and a
wig on they would have a similar thing
I’m sure the spirit doesn’t like being
called Uncle Fester and but it’s too
busy hunting for it to really care about
what I’ve got to say about life anyway a
little twitch again I think it’s waiting
for as the fish kind of get a little
closer it’s just gonna kind of I suppose
it’s got to be the right moment every
single time I don’t know the foam is
ruined it you see the foam on the edge
of the water has ruined its hands it
took on straight over the top where it
looking and maybe that spook the fish
fish don’t like when things kind of go
over the top of they may get quite
nervous and so giving the foam on the
edge of the water sorry little hearin
has that disturbed everything always
waiting on the croc is now chasing
something as well so the croc went after
something I don’t know what it was but
it just went bolting they looked you see
what’s it got what’s hunting fish as
well you see that do you see the fish
jumping that is crazy so the croc see a
hunt fish all the time and they’ll go
after them regularly and at the moment
then the favorite little hunting spot is
unfortunately not squat any water in it
and so maybe that’s why they’re trying
to hunt on the edge here when they see
maybe catfish pushing up towards the the
shallows and the other fish kind of
bubbling they rush in the other
crocodile couldn’t care at all it was
some kind of unfazed by what just
happened but that croc rushed in very
very quickly to try and see and it was
cool to see the fish kind of jumping on
the water and you will see when they
hunt like that every now and then it is
very cool well nothing you say bad day
to be a fish but to both these predators
have been outsmarted at this point so
the herons got nothing the crocodiles
got nothing and so you know so far the
fish to predators zero at this stage
which if you’re if I was a fish our take
those odds any day of the week if I’m
honest I’d rather be on those odds than
the other way around
hippos again you just hear the wind is
also getting up a little but anyway
unfortunately our Heron is moved off now
because of the foam so it’s not hunting
anymore so we’re gonna carry on we leave
chat with them and probably now in the
meantime though back through the last
time our dude David
I think he’s still sitting with the
Lions and I hope that they’ll get up and
do something soon
that could be certain exerting hunting
of a croc trying to get some sort of
fish not sure what fish should get
either you know mud fish or a catfish
but anyhow we are coming to my golden
hour or my golden moment and that’s the
western horizon to see Sun is slowly
pushing away heading home
and that could be marking the end of
another lovely day here in the Mara but
as the Sun Goes whom will be getting
other excitement because as we’re
watching earlier we had this particular
one here that has been feeding on this
Buffalo and in the particular grass then
the bushes there I saw another male just
stood up and he must have sat down
somewhere there and you remember I was
talking of a coalition of two males that
we called the old owner Pike that we
think are now are in charge of these
girls here that you call the sausage of
pride he just went flat on the grass
there to take long for him to come and I
guess he’ll come here that’s why
strategically I have not moved from who
I am because I know also the females may
show up and even if they don’t this is
where the food is this is where the king
chances are they must all come for food
at one point to have some dinner before
it gets done so what we’re gonna do
we’ll just go back to or Mel will show
you how flat he is for couple of minutes
and then maybe decide to move away and
see whether we could be lucky to find
out where those cars are because I’m
still very convinced they’re not very
far and if anybody moved they must have
gone can you see now that if you look
carefully let’s go back get to that
grass that’s the ball I’m talking about
just put his head up and that’s the
other member of the åland on your
pioneer scuse me and why he’s not coming
here I do not know and yes did you hear
me please come over
come join your brother or you a little
bit and you need to have to eat together
and you may see how the one that’s just
there with the killke will react as soon
as he gets his walking very slowly of
confidence with a number flick of tails
for lions when they walk through the
Savannah grass of the Amara triangle and
remember ladies and gentlemen should you
have any questions or comments you may
send them through hashtag safari live on
we love interacting with you in a
real-time as you can see the banjo so
this oops can’t even walk you are too
full I was just about to say the belly
of this and then he just confirmed what
I wanted to say that’s too heavy too
full and it took a few steps stop and
rest and yes you have every right and
being that lazy I’m not sure you want to
while you are I’m going to wait for you
here until you come let’s find out or
compare this lazy boy who head in the
one space available so you can see that
our responsible male of this female is
now lying down and I can promise you now
is getting cold a little bit maybe they
might wake up and move but they’re not
gonna move far as we have been here for
quite a while now they have only moved
for a distance which is less than 60
meters and 60 meters they have already
mated three times so already they have
mated three times so which means if we
can add more more meters away from where
they are they are still going to do the
same I saw that every time the female is
interested to move the male is going
along side hair and try to bite her on
the ear pushing her to go down and after
doing that she’s lying down on the
ground and things are happening so
yesterday and few days ago the female is
the one who was doing the dance now the
female is not doing the dance in Lord
the male is the one who is pushing the
Cree’s what a lovely question that
question is one of those very much
important questions today when having
this kind of reciting if another male
comes here whether big or small
this male we’re seeing Langdon here is
going to stand up and defend the female
whether the line is just passing by or
is coming with the intentions of taking
over there is going to be a very big
fight this male lion doesn’t want any
other male to come near this female we
are going to see a very big fight which
can be vicious you can see he’s got
quite a lot of scratch marks already and
I can promise you I don’t think this any
other male witch will be able to
challenge him here at this stage from
what they have witnessed when he was
challenging others yeah that does not
mean if another male comes here is not
going to win the fight the thing is he
has been mating consecutively in a very
short space I’m sure he doesn’t have
much strength to challenge another fresh
I can see how his sleeping is looking
very much tired and the females don’t
mind to mate with other males so she can
be able to mate with several males from
the very same oestrus occur if the males
are competing and some are winning some
are losing she will just consider the
winners so now let’s quickly cross over
to Jamie and hear how she is doing okay
so this is the last active den site that
we know of it is the one just south of
Philemon scut line and there’s a track
or two in the mud and I’ve noticed while
I’ve been sitting here there are flies
around the entrance to the den site
itself I think there is a possibility
that they’re still here something a
little bit scuffed about that although
that could have just been washed in it’s
really difficult to tell and I’m not
gonna go stick my head down the entrance
hall if there’s potential for Cubs in
there it would terrify the absolute
daylights out of them so we’re not we’re
not going to do that we’re not going to
terrorize tiny hyena Cubs that’s a
little bit unfair and so I think it is
that we have to move on and just see
what else we can find I was hoping I’ve
just been sitting here for a minute
just to wait and see whether or not
there’s any sign of movement or sound
from within the den but nothing I don’t
know I don’t know I don’t know where
they’ve gone it’s going to be very
difficult to find them if they haven’t
gone to one of their regular dens
because it’s so thick now that’s not the
oh well onwards we go we’re going to go
back and we’re going to go round
to where Tristan says he might have seen
or Dave might have seen sorry Craig
watch out might have seen a colored spot
on a termite mound you know so we really
clutching at straws here when Tristan
was racing to hasana
you never know this routes to treehouse
Dam and we’ll see from here all right
while we do that let’s send you across
to the man who let us know himself and
find out if he thinks we will get lucky
well good luck Jamie
David Onley told me about the colored
spot a while ago and and he’s not win we
were actually then so I couldn’t look
and see what it was I hope it wasn’t
that cheetah that we missed completely
um but he kind of just came passed
quickly where husana skill was hoping
you might be in the tree he’s not in the
tree unfortunately we can’t see where he
is so we’re just going to carry on
towards tiny and Colombe and back into
that sighting now that we can is his
little freak marks though is like seeing
hosannas little pug marks you can see
them in the road there we go very cool
it’s got nice feet doesn’t he yes we
like a young lad he’s very cool animal
and hopefully he’s going to spend some
time coming towards tangi and Columba
tonight it will be very very nice just
now so we’re going to hopefully get a
view of them we’re gonna head off like I
say hope you have them on there
Gill’s delight and I heard something
about tiny moving but I didn’t really
kind of listen I was too busy talking
about hippos and stuff that I was at
that stage was seeing what was happening
and so I’ll just check and see I’m
hoping that she hasn’t disappeared and
that she’s still yeah be surprised when
she left maybe she’s going to go and see
what’s her delinquent half-brother he’s
been up to and what he’s doing so close
to her you know how she loves to have
other lipids around Tandy is always so
grumpy when it comes to other deputies
was he seeing Raleigh and snarling so
maybe she’s going to get sort her
half-brother heart right yes looks like
Tammy’s gone north of the road and
little Claire llamas on this side of the
road missed all vehicles yeah but these
are the last two vehicles then kind of
having thought about coming and so
should be okay just to kind of slide in
here somewhere and to be able to see not
very much given the way everybody’s part
is going to be able tricky unfortunately
sorry David and it’s unfortunately what
visual we have so we’re gonna try and
kind of wait and see if Tunya will move
and come back or if little Columba will
also kind of give us a better view of
what’s going on but at least we still
can see her a little bit kind of feeding
on her carcass and maybe it’s been quite
a bit of it already which is interesting
because I’ve received we know that
yesterday morning they were still
finishing off a kill in Torchwood and so
they must have been grazing this since
last night so it must have happened
during the course the night or maybe
early hours of this morning and they’ve
eaten as much as they can out of it but
it’s interesting that they’ve kind of as
little as there is left but right now
the Columbia is feeding and she’s grown
and gotten big uns almost at that age we
may be difficult to call her a cab in
fact we can’t call her
yes boys but it sounds like David up in
the mara well he’s found the ones that
are Cubs and they are not spotty but
rather Tony I think Ptolemaic could be
going to about a year now in sense of
age but now my Cubs here are four months
and three months and they just got to
the deling table
well number one you may notice the
lighting has changed a little bit
because it has got a little bit darker
here in Kenya in the Merritt triangle
and now we are using an infrared camera
pretty special camera it’s got some
invisible lights to the animals but we
can see them very well so gotten dark
here and you have changed to infrared
which does not show the actual colors
that you know of that’s a familiar with
you of the Lions and of course the grass
this grass is very green because of the
rains have been having and now we got
the other male that just came in and
another female came in and the three
Cubs came in so I think my bet was fair
young how are you and you like to know
what’s the gestation period of lions is
about a hundred a hundred five days so
shortly after three months you’ll get a
mother a lioness popping up either one
or two or three cups certain cases we
have seen four cups but it’s about an
average of a hundred to a hundred and
five days now this one’s the two pair
the two sets of curves here two of the
same age about four months and this one
which is that particular on there that’s
about three months old and they have
different mothers I do not know where
they were and I told Bunga the best
thing got to do is to stick here and
stay put and wait so long as there’s
food they will come back I never had
gone for a drink and because this scale
is barely 48 I was old with still a lot
of meat in it and you can see that
smaller guy they’re trying to climb on
top not sure whether he knows how big
those ribs are or maybe what his parents
went through Jennifer cobby’s yes I’m
very happy Jennifer you enjoying all
these and a strange compare the size of
that big male lion there and that
smaller camera in the Buffalo looking at
those two sizes in proportionality to
the small cub no shots going on just
no the animal that just came in they
have formed a very formidable coalition
and these two will call in the hold on
your pack and you think they are the
ones that over to you
Rick pulley and the two youngsters see
the Cubs under the male there can hear
all day
grumbling there you know the vocals
sound they’re making and because I’ve
always thought lanes
do not have very good table manners as
this is a great setting and I think my
day has been made today and anytime I
say you see lion season was a great day
and I haven’t seen spirits for a couple
of days I don’t know where they have
been but it it we’re back in action
the Cubs seems to be doing pretty well
and talking of caps reminding me of –
lamba in Juba very nicely for us to see
her coming or taking ship and maybe
she’ll be in the future you know queen
of that area once her mother’s gone yes
Laura it’s a nice way for us over the
Slayers to end up getting the Edina
thank you so much Laura for such a nice
comment and I’m just feeling you know
tempted to get hungry well well done
Jamie well done Sydney water on trees in
South Africa Lions Lamba and also well
done myself here with Bungay for having
gotten the sausage – pride and it’s such
a good way to end the drive so I want to
thank all of you for having been onboard
and I’m sure you all know we’ll be out
here again tomorrow morning to bring you
such glorious wilderness thank you so
very much and from the African
wilderness and most of the Mara triangle
you’re saying thank you again and goodbye
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