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Reel Talk Ep. 6 – Tuna Tantrums | Wicked Tuna

wicked tuna real talk and we’re on you
just watch the all-new episode of wicked
tuna and now it’s time for wicked tuna
Real Talk the web show we’re
Gloucester’s top bluefin tuna captains
will give us their take on what just
happened on mike sulk I am your host and
joining us this week we got three
captains with us first captain Dave
Marciano the hard merchandise captain
Paul Hebert of the Kellyanne and Captain
Dave Carrero of fishing vessel
guys thank you for being with us today
on this last episode we saw the fleet’s
underdog boats fighting hard to stay in
the race we saw a new boat drama joining
the competition we’ll get to that and
they got off to a bit of a bit of a
rocky start over on comm we saw a first
mate Sandro take over the reins when
Dave was away so there was a lot going
on in this episode we have a ton to talk
about I want to start with being an
underdog movie scene Dave kind of raced
off to the lead and pinwheels kind of
been right there with them but there’s
an underdog mentality and Dave I know
the hard merchandise always sort of has
that feel and I know your fans feel that
way too that you’re sort of that lovable
underdog that you can root for would you
be happier being the favorite yeah I
don’t know I mean you know that but it’d
be nice to have it all be easy right but
I mean again life ain’t like that right
life is real you don’t always get what
you want sometimes you’re just gonna get
by with you know you get what you need
right there the bottom line is you just
got to keep riding that’s the only thing
I know how to do there level of pride
that comes with that I mean you got this
boat it sank a couple of years ago you
have to rebuild it seem to sort of
struggled along your way how much pride
is that does that well yeah there’s a
certain amount I mean sure I wish I
could say I had the biggest baddest
fanciest boat in the fleet there’s a
certain amount of pride that goes with
that and great for the guys who do that
like Dave you know he’s got a gorgeous
boat at least you know for me that gives
me a goal in life right hey maybe
someday if I work out enough maybe I
will get that boat that’ll be faster
than the
oh great they don’t know what to do a
fine you know at least you don’t mean it
in the meantime though sometimes you
gotta take what you got and make it work
role was I prided well Paul has
basically been your life I mean you’ve
been on a lot of boats we’ve talked
about that the underdog mentality has to
be important to you I’ve been an
underdog my whole life I was always a
couple years behind all my brothers
fishing they all had boats I couldn’t
afford a boat I was a little kid so
coming into this it has given me a big
step forward to go for something it has
given me a big big time thing to foresee
I can get my own boat I can achieve
goals that I never thought I could it’s
been a big deal for me you’re more
immediate goal is just to kind of
ratchet up the fish count right phone
bahala all of our game is to put meat on
the deck how quick can I change right
now you’re right down near the bottom
house we can change in one day one day
everything can turn she’s in it or in it
yeah exactly
Dave last year you were just far and
away beyond everybody else then this
year you’re a little bit more of a
dogfight for how motivating is that it’s
a it’s very motivating you know I mean
last year you know we came out strong
and we finished strong it was a slow
year of fishing we were just able to
capitalize on most of the bites we lost
very few fish in as you saw we caught
quite a few but you know I know these
guys are gonna come out knowing what I
just said and they’re gonna come out
running and gunning for me so we know we
better be ready are we gonna get to my
favorite Marla this is my favorite
moment that we’ve had so far on wicked
tuna and I can’t wait to talk about it I
hope you feel a little guilty this is
what I’m excited cuz now you’ve seen it
you’ve seen your epic rant well yeah I
would say you’ve heard it again
because you know there’s children out
there and all Evan
there’s delicate ears how does you’d
lost two in a row the second one was
basically right there at the boat when
it got away you’re just about to take
the shot the thing takes off
what what what broke you I don’t know
yeah the line well you know they let the
swivel jammed in the tip or whatever it
was you know like it just goes as far I
try to stay positive loosen a few is
part of the game right
but now the reality of life catches up
you need a paycheck things go wrong
right everybody has their breaking point
I’m not proud of that right it’s not
like you know I wanted to show my son
hey this is a great way to behave right
there’s a lot of stress there’s a lot of
money on the a little that’s matching
stuff around but you know what everybody
has a breaking point and apparently that
day I reach my if you get the the shot
of the two of them kind of scuttling
they wore away in the boat yeah yeah I
just yeah a bad thing baby Richard the
boat was about 40 feet longer right
Eve’s gone post but then catching a
really big fish at the end of this so I
mean we’re now does that sort of up the
embarrassment I was like oh my god I
can’t believe I thought that way just a
few minutes ago felt like you know you
are right but then JJ has this thing if
you ask him I bet he’ll tell you
sometimes that’s exactly what it takes
for us to get things going I need to
have a complete meltdown it’s that’s
that route I don’t know all of a sudden
the fish dad coming thank you I love the
use of the word tantrum if you’re
willing to call yourself a tantrum then
I think that’s the right word for it I
did room how do I deal with losing fish
I mean it happens all the time John I do
I’ve been doing this for a long time
I’ve watched my father rant and rave
over 25 cents a pound it’s just the
feeling of struggling catching a fish
you’re sitting in you’re fighting fish
week after week and you’re losing them
you’re losing them your snap it’s just
the overcoming catching one I mean it’s
all the bottom line is the money for us
now there’s a lot of money on the line
and it costs a lot of money to go fish
it it’s just like I’ve saved Dave wig
out before years ago when I first went
up yeah if ever we lost
and I was but we had a double really
it’s gonna be alright we’re gonna get
him remember and then he’s like yeah
like sick of ludes and we lost like a
lemon in a row right more than it
what does dot-com look like when he
freaks out him I guess we saw a
hey it was great because he felt great
after that he was like you got it and we
caught him what’s up in the king right I
mean we saw you get mad at Tyler this
year that’s the most we’ve seen you lose
your cool at any point I’m like in the
show would you say that and then after
that you start to catch a fish again man
it can that explosive release of energy
be helpful for you out there maybe maybe
not you know whether that’s why we’re
catching fish or not I don’t know but
you know like they’ve said everybody has
a breaking point you know yeah maybe
that’s what it takes you reached a
breaking point you’re maxed out now you
realized you’ve done bad let’s stay
focused let’s you know pay attention to
the task at hand and that’s catching
fish and making money
well well Dave was freaking out Paul you
just seem to be catching Fisher in a
groove at this point you’ve got three in
three weeks he said was just sort of a
little fish in this case it wasn’t a
huge one you want to come pursue some
nice it was a big money fish do you know
sometimes Big Fish Little Fish big
payoff right yeah you know I’ve had
eight hundred-pound is that paid two
bucks upon you feel like right now this
is sort of you hit your groove on a new
beau new crew the use guys sort of
starting clean yourself different with
the guys on the boat cuz we’re just
starting to learn they’re opening up now
they weren’t you know they were very
conservative at the beginning just
waiting for me trying to learn of what
I’m gonna do instead of just jumping in
and saying what about this what about
you know it’s hard to get like Dave’s
head sauna for a long time he’s at Jay
for a long time you just use it you get
it it’s a team you need a team to catch
these fish and you gotta learn you don’t
know what each other want or do and
learn their likes and dislikes and go
with it
are you sure they’re being conservative
or maybe they just wasn’t enough room
for them to talk I mean that’s always a
possibility there’s a lot of Paul on
that boat for what I’ve seen I work a
lot it’s on my hands down I can’t talk I
need my hands well you mentioned the
communication and when you watch the
dot-com that seems to be what jumps out
to me is how easily you and Sandro
communicate with each other Kay
back together for so long well you guys
almost our drama-free out there I mean
it just feels like you’re there’s almost
a mind meld between you where you barely
need to say anything in order to do the
right thing
and there’s there’s a reason for that
you know like so whenever I bring
somebody new on the boat I like I’m
trying without any experience just like
he said yeah I like that person to go
from from kindergarten all the way
through the grades with me on the
teacher the whole time this way it’s not
like taking someone on like Paul and no
offense but knows things different way
yeah and he wanted his way I wanted my
way right overall you know on the cap
and I have the final say realizer
doesn’t happen although I respect his
opinion with Sandro now we don’t have to
talk because I know what he’s thinking
and he knows what I’m thinking because
that’s the way I brought him up through
the years of him fishing with me
well you holded him the way Dave wants
him to be and he taught him like you
with Jay yeah you mold him so we know
whether what each other do at certain
times we know what to do when to do how
to do it how to make Dave not that
person uh how what to do when he freaks
out what to do when he’s happy you know
I mean doesn’t it make everything easy
it’s a yeah but not not everybody you
bring on your boat can excel like Jay
did a lot of mates come work a few years
I think they’ve got it all they have all
the pieces of the puzzle and they move
on never a catch of a talk to talk but
well let’s talk about the guy who is on
your boat right now Cassandra had a
great week right he goes out there takes
a new guy and we’ll talk more about
Jordy here in just a moment but he goes
out there by himself without you but
first of all where were you just hanging
out how is that work all right Dave’s at
work so he has hey guys take the boat go
do a little fishing and he comes back
with a gigantic haul proud is that a
proud moment for you well first of all
for me to let somebody take my boat
means I have a lot of trust in that
person so that says a lot right there
whether they catch a fish or they know a
lot of bad things happen out there so I
got to trust those guys taking my boat
without sinking and coming back alive
that alone is a is that you did you make
that offered he come to you with the ass
so I made the offer you know Sandra’s
been with me he’s never really fished
much before he’s never been on a boat
before he’s never seen a tuna before but
he just learned so fast and I said this
gift is what it takes he gets it and
peels and for me to let those two young
boys go out
the boat to the fishing grounds wherever
they chose to go to accomplish the task
and that’s catching a fish not only do
they catch a fish but they caught a big
fish at that it was just over 700 pounds
rest and that had a big Ang’s and not
only is it amazing that’s just a great
feeling for me I have no kids but those
you know Sandow is my kid so to speak
and just to watch you know something
someone that you’ve taught to you know
sell like sell and do that and say see
the kid he’s got it would you let your
would you let Jay and Joe take the boat
out without you you know I don’t think
they’re quite ready for that and a lot
of it has to do with it it’s the boat
too the thing about my boat is because
it’s not newest in everything’s not
perfect right it has a lot of little
things that like you know I’m ready for
stuff to go wrong in any second you guys
you know you’ve seen it over the years
total my guy longer levels have an
electricity gate that keeps the hard
merchandise running how many of those
problems are self created from you
tearing stuff off the reef some of them
were just with Davis untied boat himself
is al-hasa pea if if it jams force it if
it breaks it need to replace it anyway
right well Dave you also decided in this
after that moment with Sandra going out
with Geordie that you’re gonna take on a
third member of your crew what why
Geordie would it what impressed you what
made you made that decision I mean I I
talked to Sandra about it and he said he
did real well out there you know Geordie
he’s just a he’s a young kid and he’s
just appeared to be very motivated and I
take Sandra’s word for many things and
he said he likes he likes Geordie and he
wants to bring him on me you guys have
talked about him before I remember last
year you spent all throughout the year
hearing you guys talked about how much
Sandro added to Dave’s Bo not that you
were taking credit away from Dave but
just how much of it you guys seem to be
doing really together right to have a
crew member you guys are both vouch for
this to have someone that you can like
take a day off and they can go out and
catch fish they bring a lot to the plate
it’s not easy if you if this fishery was
easy everyone would do it for a living
not everyone does it bro living
it’s very struggling I mean we have Dave
and I have a really hard time but you
know he’s got it going on he has got the
team that is it’s a golden team well
that’s probably all them the perfect
segue into what we saw with the guys
from the drama who want to try to make
it in this fishery they want to try to
be a part of the fleet right there
what do you make of their opening salvo
into that because it didn’t it didn’t
start on before right no I didn’t you
know what that I think to a certain
extent I think we all went through it
right I mean not not any one of us here
was you know born with the knowledge
right all of this racket at least for
myself was going out there putting my
time in making mistakes and learning
from him and moving forward right no one
from it was just a year ago we saw Paul
drive his boat up onto the ground so I
mean it this is the farm yeah that’s
Kevin Plymouth Rock but I like what you
said Paul the first thing you said to
them was that you were impressed with
the hard work
how far can that go in making it in this
business that is everything I always
said if I could get a deckhand or
somebody to work with me not for me
someone like myself with like the drive
that Sandro has you need someone like
yeah I mean that’s that’s the way to do
it you know just take someone off the
street that’s very little experience
fishing that every drawn or teaching
miss they’re absorbing there’s no yeah a
just your way well they say to those can
say if you know what what what’s the
best advice you would give to the guys
on the drama Wow I don’t I mean don’t
give up start over a do-over
yep it’s enough on that small boat I
know I fish small boats my whole life
yeah and they’re just learning like they
look when I first came to Glaus I had to
get familiar I didn’t know Dave that
well until eating just jump into it
you’re gonna pay your dues we’ve all
paid dues like the cases hundreds of
thousands of dollars I’m gonna do better
than others sooner you know just for
someone to get a boat and think it’s
easy to go out and catch a blue
fin tuna they’re going to be in for a
rude awakening it’s not as easy as just
going out anchoring up chum and putting
bait on a hook watching the bloom go
down real hard it’s easy as has seen on
TV yes if you said what are we doing
this for still well I know what I woke
up I learned this week that if I want to
go out catch bluefin – and I got to keep
my anchor off of other people’s boats
how many things are going awry start
screaming cussing and get the bleep
button go of it and the fish just jump
onto the boat so I learned something
thank you for teaching me all right guys
good stuff as always it’s all the time
we have for this installment of wicked
real talk a hearty thank you to captain
Dave Marciano who I don’t think got
bleep during this show of the hard
merchandise captain Paul Ebert of the
Kellyanne and Captain Dave Guerrero a
fishing vessel thanks guys I
appreciate you can go to NatGeo
slash real talk to watch all the Real
Talk episodes the bike will be on up
north and main water sand when the fleet
descends on the crowded hot spot you’re
gonna see some fireworks well of calm
Dave back here again to talk about that
as well as captain Tyler McLaughlin of
the pinwheel and captain TJ odd of the
hot tuna to get daily updates on
everything wicked tuna like us on
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we’ll see you next time
on wicked tuna real talk
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