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Re-Envisioning Reality – Tech+Art | Genius: Picasso

almost my entire life has lived
virtually on a screen and what I’m
looking for is a way to bring the
digital experience put into physical
form I grew up in a place where like
escapism was necessary I was drawing and
painting and programming and building
computers since I was eight
it’s the fascination with like wanting
to create like full of oils in a
first I’m sketching and painting and
modeling in 3d software and video game
engines what I’m doing is I’m just
giving it logic so it has randomness I’m
just giving it randomness that mimics
life there’s this obsession with most
artists with the idea of exploding the
fourth dimension where the physical and
the impermanent meet that space like the
in-between is what I’m trying to do
almost in every show I’m trying to find
the link between the thing that feels
impossible and the thing that’s tangible
I can use parts of sculpture to inform
the most beautiful and fragile parts of
my human experience are stored in
screens being interested in that and
being in love with that as well it’s a
complicated feeling I mean I certainly
am feeling like I’m losing my
physicality the loss of translation
between like the body and the mind the
doodle in the physical and the response
to that I think was these pieces that
were a really physical that really like
sort of false bodies I was creating
these small sculptures in virtual
reality and then printed onto Plexiglas
and then formed with my body with a
creating like a artificial armor of a
what we’re looking for in technology is
to enhance being a human being as a
virtuality gets better our relationship
with reality also becomes richer the
hope is that virtual reality sort of
stays bad because we don’t want it to
become any sort of substitute for
reality but then as a counter to that it
can also become like such an incredible
tool for healing and for more truthful
experiences and for change you know really like for change
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