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Raging Congo Creatures | National Geographic

the Congo
stretches still unnavigable
it’s depths unknown
second only to the Amazon inflow
here it is called the river that
swallows all rivers
but below these angry waves the Congo
River has spawned an extraordinary
number of bizarre creatures each with
its own unique response to life in these
harsh waters but the fish that called
this river home are not just strange
they’re also huge
anglers from around the world have plied
these waters for decades in pursuit of
Giants Nile perch Hondo catfish Cornish
all impressive
none more elusive than the African tiger
science knows little about this animal
but for those who live here it swam into
the nightmares of legend
locals believe this animal is cursed
fishermen tell tales of stolen bait and
shredded Nets stories of attacks vary
from village to village
the tigerfish is the Congo rivers most
voracious predator and it might be the
only fish strong enough to overcome its
raging waters what forces created the
tiger fish and the extraordinary number
of strange creatures that inhabit this
underwater Eden
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