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Polar Bear Mom and Cubs | National Geographic

for the first time in five months
this mother polar bear sticks her nose
into the open air here in the small
barred Islands of Norway she’s sniffing
the air because well I mean if you’ve
been living in the dark for five months
your eyes would sure as heck take time
to adjust to the light
she’s also checking for predators
because now she’s got not one but two
cubs to protect hello world
notice how closely mom looks after her
babies talk about vigilant over half the
cubs born here die in the first year
often killed by adult male polar bears
now the Cubs are growing fat on mom’s
milk but mom herself hasn’t eaten in
five months and is getting thinner by
the day is it time to go in the hunt
well maybe one last nap in the lair
ten days after they first poke their
noses into the Frigidaire mom leads the
way they’ll never return to that den
they’ve got lots of important stuff to
learn in the world well like for example
what we like to call lair
crashing lair crashing is where mom
teaches the kids how to jump up and down
on the ice so they can break through to
eat the seal pups below
but isn’t this just like kids they
forget the lesson and start horsing
around with a reindeer leg
in fact pretty soon they’ve got a
reindeer carcass they haven’t yet
learned not to play with their food we
could pretend we’re showing you the
stuff to educate you on how polar bear
mom’s subtly initiate their Yahner into
the rites of predation through
tomfoolery okay that’s part of it vector
well mostly we’re showing it to you
because it’s so gosh darn cute
but all good fun must eventually come to
an end
mom rolls in the snow which is how polar
bears dry off of course getting the Cubs
to stop courting Paulo good luck on Mac
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