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Playing Smarter | Brain Games

our teams are racing separately to the
first riddle and obstacle if they solve
the riddle correctly they get to load of
teammate into this giant hamster ball
and roll it straight past the cone get
it wrong and they’ll have to slalom
they’re teaming through the cones which
may slow them down guess the phrase oh I
got a give to get um okay get what
you’re good you give what you get not
get give what’s the riddle
both teams are stumped have you guessed
the phrase yet
there’s four dad we’re gonna and forget
that’s correct the blue team got it
right so they get to take the straight
path just look this should save time but
it’ll still be a bumpy ride
Oh good job blue team you’re on a roll
but how do you think the red team is
doing like you only get what you give
time okay Oh too bad
you gotta yeah I haven’t got to slalom
through the cone turn turn which may
slow them down push push whoa I’m
getting dizzy just watching Oh looks
like the red team has fallen a good five
seconds behind the blue team who are
already sprinting toward the second
obstacle and riddle a correct answer
this time allows teams to crawl on the
clean side an incorrect answer
means they’ll be slowed down by some
cold disgusting mud one can run but
never walk has an open never talks this
has a bit but never sleeps since I got
animal um up there no bear sleep come on
boom hey Mouse bed looks like the blue
team is struggling think the red team
can solve this one and catch up has a
mouth and ever talks has a bed but never
oh dude you layers can you solve this
riddle at home
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