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Photographing Lions With Technology | National Geographic

this kind of photo toys are really fun
to dream up and they always seem like a
great idea but they do require a ton of
attention it can take over your freakin
if you want them to go about their
business that’s the whole point so you
want to move as slowly as possible so
that you know you’re as close to just an
observer possible the object is not to
make them chase it this is not the way
they reacted the first ten times we put
this out so this has been a process so
they’re very calm with but other lions
would not be this way at all it won’t
give the impression that lions can do
this moving a little bit more we’re
going to get a hell of a shot of her
head upside down like that okay that’s
good now let me get that folks because
it’s going to be great
these are the infrared covers so they
don’t blind the cats none of the light
that we’re using is visible to the cats
what it is they’re ice type fully
dilated for night it doesn’t mess up
their night vision their prey can’t see
this they don’t seem to respond to it
these guys play a lot more than
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