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Penguins vs. Pelicans | National Geographic

imagine you had a favorite food like
saying WOW Jovi’s then let’s say you had
the opportunity to rock it through a
swarm of your favorite food just opening
your mouth and letting it leap in that’s
like for these playful Galapagos
penguins in the waters off the Galapagos
Islands the Penguins dried the anchovies
swarm into a shoal of shallow water
bunching the throng even tighter making
the pickins even easier of course every
party needs a pooper in this case the
poopers are pelicans who make like dive
bombers to get in on some of this
the pelicans water-filled pouches are
too heavy to lift and they’re too greedy
to let go and so in a classic case of
taking lemons and making lemonade in the
Penguins pick off anchovies from the
leaks of these pelicans sitting ducks in
front of them only when the pelicans
back off on their gluttony and let go of
some of their cash can they surface and
enjoy the bounty and their peace leaving
the end shall be banquet down below once
more to these gleeful gluttons
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