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Patagonia | Exploring Oceans

at the southeastern edge of South
America Patagonia is a place of
spectacular mountains and sweeping
Plains the vast Patagonian Coast extends
far out into the South Atlantic Ocean an
enormous shelf
with some of the richest most productive
waters in the world
this here on peninsula valdes that a
single pod of orcas about a dozen
individuals has developed a unique way
of dining
risking off and punished for Christian
windows right up onto the beach clamps
of great jobs around the young elephant
seal or ceiling then in a desperate
maneuver to avoid Beecham spin to ride
away back into the sea
enough sea lions and elephant seals
survived to populate huge colonies that
stretch from the edge of the peninsula
all the way south to Tierra del Fuego
single robust furry is a man who spends
a lot of time defending a claim
massive colonies of marine birds also
prosper here notably the black-browed
albatross with its four meter wingspan
and the charismatic Magellanic penguin
like many seabirds these penguins spend
much of their time at sea scooping up
the food they need to power migrations
of the vast stretches of the ocean
one of the oldest groups of birds
penguins can dive deeper than any other
kind of room they look as though they’re
flying underwater with fast strokes of
their short muscular wings here to
southern right whales gather in large
numbers every year to mate and return to
the same waters a year later to give
birth in a very large offspring
Patagonia is a magical place but it is
currently at risk from the combined
pressures of rapidly increasing tourism
pollution and overfishing one fish
particularly targeted has been the
Patagonian toothfish known in
restaurants and supermarkets as Chilean
sea bass so many Patagonian toothfish
have been captured to supply a growing
global demand that their future is now
in doubt overfishing is also depleting
food sources for the many birds whales
and other animals require small fish and
squid for food
there is hope that a move by the
Argentine government to protect hundreds
of kilometers of the Patagonian coastal
zone will provide an enduring future for
Patagonia’s unique living systems
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