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Orphaned Baby Elephants “You Can’t Help But Fall In Love With” | National Geographic

I wanted to go to Kenya to relax a bit
with elephants to see the Sheldrick
Wildlife Trust
orphaned elephants now that’s
bittersweet in itself these are baby
elephants which you can’t help but fall
in love with
look at these guys how could you harm
these guys to spend time with these baby
elephants is just it recharges your soul
just to have them lead me into a group
of wild elephants and to be chaperoned
they are protecting me whether they know
it or not they are protecting me as I go
into this group of wild elephants
elephants in the wild if you don’t
understand them can be extremely
dangerous and these baby elephants walk
me into this herd of bolts and I feel
safe I I can walk around their mud baths
these babies they’ve been released into
the wild and they go back and forth and
they’re sort of sort of a transition
group now between the fully wild and
those that are still being hand raised
and they introduced me to these bull
elephants that were I to walk up to it
like this on my own chances are very
good I’d be seriously injured and I’m
just a few feet away from them it’s okay
that’s an extraordinary opportunity it’s
it’s recharges me but it’s I mean it
just reestablishes my belief that these
animals have you know live in a society
we barely understand and I don’t have
any greater right or lesser right to be
on this planet to have my community than
these elephants
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