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Neil deGrasse Tyson on Chris Hadfield | StarTalk

astronauts are just cool people no
matter what so give me any astronaut I’m
having a good time with the astronaut in
this particular case Chris Hadfield is a
Canadian astronaut okay fine
he’s the most famous Canadian astronaut
with a huge following he’s a household
name household face and in fact the
Canadian $5 bill the back of that bill
previously had hockey players on it but
I think Canada realized they don’t need
to be reminded that they like hockey
so they redesigned the bill and now has
like the Canada arm of the International
Space Station it’s it’s a it’s a robotic
arm that can maneuver retrieve
satellites and help you I mean it’s a
hugely useful addition to being in space
that was designed built manufacturing in
Canada it says Canada right on the side
you get the maple leaf in that same
illustration there’s an astronaut but
you can’t see the face because he’s got
a visor on but Chris Hadfield tells me
that’s good so that’s cool I was cool in
the United States to be on money you
actually have to be dead so I say
congratulations on that but what made
him extra fun was that he’s also a
musician and he composes music and he
brought his guitar into space and played
a lullaby for his daughter who is down
on earth for her to go to sleep he also
sang and played the performed Space
Odyssey and David Bowie
how’s that was a line from it the ground
control to Major Tom right it’s that
song we all know that song heats we
performed that made a video of it it
went viral
here he is enabling space to become a
familiar backyard to us all
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