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Neil deGrasse Tyson on Biz Stone | StarTalk

we had the opportunity to interview Biz
he’s like founder of Twitter okay
co-founder of Twitter and which has
affected so many people so whether or
not you’ve ever heard of him you’ve
heard of Twitter so that counts in my
book as a person Hume from pop culture
and here’s somebody like so many of
these internet tech entrepreneurs who
didn’t graduate college and so what’s
his story you hear people like that who
tell their stories they see the world
really differently not in a weird quirky
way they see it in an insightful way and
in his case the soul he actually came to
his world of Twitter as a graphic artist
so he thinks not only in tech ways he
thinks in imagery he thinks in weight he
thinks almost spiritually about a
person’s encounter with a product or an
idea and to hear that come out in
conversation I I was just I was I didn’t
even want to have to speak but I have to
because I have to guide the conversation
so that we get the topics I just wanted
to sit there and listen the whole time
so starting with his cool name and
ending with just how sensitively he
reflected on the Arab Spring which which
germinated within the efforts of people
tweeting about movements seeing how his
idea left the workplace and became a
tool of revolutions
I wanted to find out about that
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