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Neglected Terrier | National Geographic

back in southern Utah dog towns adoption
coordinator Christy luttrell anxiously
awaits the arrival of Aristotle a young
terrier mix rescued from a hoarding
situation the dog’s condition is serious
an undiagnosed illness caused his hair
to fall out leaving raw skin covered in
scabs John do you know how old the
stalks were straight I’ve got the
paperwork inside we’ll just sit right
here cuz oh my goodness what’s with that
very beautiful yes you are you’re very
sweet Christy fits Aristotle with a
t-shirt to protect his damaged skin and
keeps the dog isolated in KC’s
contagious I know I’m sorry it’s pink
Aristotle’s skin condition is the worst
I’ve ever seen you know I’ve got some
food and everything you go I doubt he’s
ever had vet care the information we
have is very little on him and he he
definitely came from a very sad state
but he’s got a very sweet personality
he’s a doll
hey Aristotle hey buddy
head veterinarian dr. Mike Dix sees
Aristotle immediately for an exam you
look very worried
it’s got like paper-thin skin so pretty
much on Aristotle it’s fairly obvious
his face is covered with scabs and just
skin that’s left without scabs is very
thin along his back he also has all
those scabs and some of them are open so
inflamed your skin is so irritated but
mom sorry even this season Bette is
shocked by the condition to the terrier
skin I’ve never seen a case skin as bad
as Aristotle you are gonna throw a
t-shirt every time I touched his back he
would kind of buckle down as if it
bothered him then I touched him there
there you go handsome you can see that
he is basically red almost all over he’s
got a little bumps which goes along with
some type of infection dr. Mike believes
Aristotle suffers from mange a disease
were parasites infest the skin and hair
he also suspects the dog’s former owner
improperly used medication causing
chemical burns his upper eyelids are
curled back this is like a burn whether
it be a sunburn or like a chemical burn
which was very possible medication
actually if it’s not diluted can
actually cause the skin to look like his
doctor Mike will conduct a battery of
tests to figure out the cause of
Aristotle’s problem my approach
initially it’s just gonna be to kind of
get rid of what’s obvious and see what’s
we’ll do some obvious testing first
we’ll skin and scrape them check for
mites I’m gonna pluck his few remaining
hairs and places check for ringworm and
that’s where we’re gonna start then what
we’re going to do is treat based on that
it’s okay it’s okay
regardless of what’s wrong with
Aristotle we have a pretty long road
ahead of us until dr. Mike figures out
the cause of aristotle’s disfiguring
condition the tiny Terrier will continue
to live in obvious pain
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