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Neck and Neck | National Geographic

hot on the military’s heels making good
time the endurance team faces the same
fateful call we get to a fork where the
rivers coming down we’ve got two choices
in one way might be the right way the
other way might be the wrong one looks
more treacherous than the other looks
like more water than left assessing the
situation we’ve got to make a critical
decision right here and right now and
either way we live or die by it oh yes
ain’t left I think so hoping the more
water means a faster route Dallas
chooses the opposite direction than as
rivals keep going crushing it
just do what we do man everything else
will take care of itself over on the
other branch let’s go man the military
split-second decision suddenly brings
grave consequences Wow violent
class-three Rapids big rock came out of
nowhere because the water is so silty
there’s a lot of obstacles and
obstructions you can’t see until
literally you hit it be careful coming
the river takes us to the ocean that’s
gonna lead us to the volcano we got to
push through this thing this is the
final expedition this is it
oh Jesus
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