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MT Finalist | National Geographic Bee 2012

hi I’m Rosie McCormick and I’m from
Missoula Montana my family moved here
three years ago and now I’m an eighth
grader at st. Joseph’s Catholic school
let me show you a little bit about
Missoula Xilai’s the largest city in
western Montana it’s called the garden
city there’s lots of beautiful mountains
and three main rivers run through town
the Blackfoot the better route and the
carport the Clark Fork is behind me
right now you can even fly fish right
here in downtown also behind me is
running slave or you can kya feeling to
tryouts were even held here Azula has
plenty of other outdoor things to do
lots of recreational areas and lots of
hiking another way to enjoy azula’s
outdoors is by looking at Montana
history I’m in Lolo just south of
Mozilla in the Bitterroot Valley and
here is Travelers Rest one of only a few
Lewis and Clark authenticated campsites
they camped right here in September 1805
and June 1806 if I could have been any
world leader or explorer I would have
been on the Lewis and Clark expedition
talk about geography they covered
thousands of miles and gathered
tremendous knowledge about our growing
nation they helped to open up the West
for expansion and helped us understand
the idea of manifest destiny that the
u.s. was meant to stretch from coast to
coast here in Montana we’re proud today
of our history Native American culture
and our beautiful geography this is
downtown Missoula it’s our urban area
but not as urban as I’d like it to be
because I want to go to New York City
someday outside of the United States I’d
also love to go to Europe there’s lots
of great sites to see and lots of food
co in fact I find interesting is about
Challenger Deep challenger deep is the
deepest part of the marianas trench in
the Pacific Ocean it’s over seven miles
below sea level but oddly enough this is
not the seafloor that’s closest to the
center of the earth the earth isn’t a
perfect sphere it’s a little bit
squished so some sea floor in the Arctic
Ocean is closer to the center of the
earth than challenger deep in what I
like so much about geography is that how
we as people identify so closely with
our land
live in part helps us create a culture
you can’t look at what’s going on in the
world or history or humans in general
unless you know about geography National
Geographic I have a question for you
they’re hard to see but what are these
horizontal lines on the mountains behind
me caused by I’ll give you a minute
time’s up these horizontal lines of the
mountains were caused millions of years
ago by glacial lake Missoula kaliesha
like Missoula once filled up this entire
valley and it was greater than Lake
Superior and Lake Ontario convened it
was all held in by an ice dam on the
Montana Idaho border on repeated
occasions this ice dam would break and
it would flood all across the Northwest
creating the scablands in Washington
State I hope you enjoyed learning a
little bit about Missoula Montana have
you ever considered visiting here my
family loved it so much we moved here
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