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Meet the Reels of Fortune Crew | Wicked Tuna: Outer Banks

hi it comes to mark Jake hey
honey boy my name is Charlie Griffin
everybody calls me Griff I started
fishing when I was a pretty young boy
and having spent my entire life when the
Outer Banks and allotted son a lot of
along a little bit namesake Griffin on
the first mate on reels of fortune well
dad not make a very good team I’ve been
fishing with him now for seven years
he’s been my teacher from day one having
my son Jake work with me has been really
a blessing he’s a pretty tough character
now Jake does most of the work I mean
everybody’s probably are something but
you will not see a hard-working young
man we have to catch fish so that we can
pay our bills so that we can take care
of the people that we love so it’s very
important that we start catching fish
right away litigate listen we got
renegade last year just before bluefin
season he’s our second mate and the
better deckhand then was son because he
never complains we do a lot of things
differently for the other boats that’s a
good one there son God everybody’s
gunning for us we get really good money
and I think that that is because of the
way we handled fish that’s why they call
us the reels of fortune
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