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Maple Trek | The Legend of Mick Dodge

and after travelling a mile more on foot
they arrived in mixed Maple Grove
look at these maples all over the place
here ancient maples deliver the SAP mix
after and he’s got tools for the harvest
stashed nearby all right are you yeah
check it out
yeah yeah this is what we will put our
Elser pen this is a drill to drill in
the maple and this is the plug which
strange the SAP now we got to find the
best tree with tools in hand NYX ready
to begin the harvest hopefully I get
some serve but before he can start he
seeks the kind of wisdom that often
guides his decisions in the wild this is
how you find a right tree you come to
the grandfather 1 you look in to the
eyes and you ask it where would be the
best tree for me to go pull out some of
the alexia juice not you no problem I’m
not gonna take now you probably had done
too many times so which way you point
the direction
down that way huh ish following his
mossy friends advice Mick walks on to a
solid maple and gets right to work I
think this is really my best choice
using his old-fashioned hand drill Mick
must penetrate the outer bark creating a
hole approximately 2 inches deep and
going through the bark and then get into
the cambium layer that’s where the
juices flow works pretty good breaking
through the cambium layer next he must
insert a tap to begin draining the SAP
that is beautiful
hang the bucket there it’s a simple
process but one that involves a whole
lot of patience hope I picked a good
spot we’ll see
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