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Managing the New York City Power Grid | Breakthrough

I never thought that something as simple
as like an LED light bulb could make
such a big impact there was one project
that I worked on where a team that I was
working with thought well what about if
we just screwed a bunch of LED light
bulbs all throughout the neighborhood
every business we could get access to
what if we just gave people LED light
bulbs for free and we did it in about
six months to a year we were able to
relieve almost 19 megawatts off the grid
which is a major feat so an alternative
solution like screwing in a bunch of
light bulbs could actually make a
difference in New York my work has
largely been around energy conservation
and I’ve done everything from the ground
up really helping supers in boiler rooms
try to figure out how to run their
heating systems more efficiently so this
boiler room is clearly in disrepair and
could use a complete overhaul my work
largely is around retrofitting around
what is already in existence in New York
so we have a lot of old buildings and
they have old heating systems that often
run inefficiently it’s very common to
walk through the streets of New York in
the winter and you see all the windows
open and in the summer everyone’s
cranking their ACS so we have like a lot
of waste going on and so my work is
around trying to figure out why that
waste is happening and what we can do to
develop solutions to conserve the
precious resources that we have
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