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Living With Our Changing Planet | Explorer

how do we live with climate change well
we prepare to move people inland as the
ocean lot Rises and we come up with ways
to make electricity renewably and we
stop stop stop burning fossil fuels
this sounds like ranting maybe it is but
the alternative is not good everybody
living in denial is not helping shooting
the messenger is not going to get you
anywhere and we’re gonna have to
displace people inland we’re gonna have
to have sea walls and water management
technologies and we’re gonna really need
renewably produced electricity stored
efficiently in batteries or other
systems and then a way to desalinate
seawater man if you could do that you’d
get rich and all these things would be
put in an existing infrastructure we
have electrical transmission lines
running all over the place we just now
power them renewably let’s get to work
let’s get it going
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