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Knights of Malta Nectar | Diggers

our next stop is Anna Leigh Mills an old
sugar cane mill as soon as we came out
of the tree jungle we saw these awesome
old ruins a big Tower but today it’s
owned privately and there’s a
bed-and-breakfast here and we’ve got
exclusive permission to come Punk these
old ruins sugar mills once powered st.
Croix economy and they sit on some of
the islands oldest preserved land if we
can find some Caribbean pirate or
Knights of Malta treasure buried under
these undisturbed fields will definitely
raise a tankard of rum and victory I’m
going along by these crumpled down ruins
this is awesome hit right here I get my
big shovel out dig a nice plug drop down
locate the object with my pin pointer
I’m rewarded with roundness I see an old
coin in the hole haha it looks like it
could be bronzed even we’re looking for
the Knights of Malta nectar from the
1650s I could have it right here I mean
I don’t know exactly what one of the
coins that they would have dropped looks
like but this could be one I’m glad to
have mark look at it but this is an
incredible find right here
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