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Johnny Flynn Talks About Playing Young Einstein | Genius

my name is Johnny Flynn and I’m playing
the younger Albert Einstein oh my
husband Albert Einstein your reputation
precedes you in normal life I don’t
think you could find someone who looked
less like Einstein so I was confused
when I got sent apart and I very nearly
didn’t audition for it and I was telling
my friends about this job as like it’s a
TV series thing I’m spelling the stretch
by Ron Howard and you’re insane
she like made me do the tapes and I send
them up and didn’t expect to hear
anything and then the next I knew Ron
wanted to Skype with me and I thought it
had done really badly but I asked him
what Einstein meant for him and that
fascinating could he had this whole
human version of the story and to strip
away everyone’s idea of who this person
was let’s go back to basics we expect
the true level Natura natural everything
is connected
it’s an idea I’ve been considering for a
while now in terms of my process to
become Einstein there’s a fantastic
amount of material available to read and
research and look at part of my research
and my work to become the young Einstein
was to kind of reject all of that and to
get rid of any pop image of him I had in
my head and to hold on to the facts and
really go deep into understanding what
drove him as a young person from a young
age he challenged every inherited idea
that he was presented with and of course
that stood him in good stead as a
physicist but in terms of his personal
relationships that presented a series of
problems you only care about yourself
how could you be so careless with my run
me later
so playing him has been an interesting
fantastic and the chana he’s such an
interesting character because he’s
compelled to do the things that he does
because of its really strong beliefs
which are often in rejecting other
beliefs you think you have all the
I want my ideas to be heard let me study
on my own rebellion will get you nowhere
life so I’m fun conflicted confused but
curious always curious and trying to
understand the world around
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