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Jaguar vs. Croc | National Geographic

we’ve returned to the jungles of
southern beliefs where the Jaguar once
the ancient Maya’s believed that stars
were spots on the big cats company at
one with the evening sky as its stalked
through the shadows tonight this fierce
proud hunter is stalking
the Jaguar is the largest and most
powerful cat in the Western Hemisphere
and third-largest overall only lions and
tigers jaguars are comfortable in the
water in fact they’re one of the few
cats who enjoy one
the average male Jaguar weighs 200
pounds and lives 12 to 15 years in the
wild it’s an endangered species mainly
because of his skin trade and a habitat
destruction this Jaguar is displaying a
lethal self-confidence it’s not hard to
see how the Jaguar got its name it’s
from the Guarani Indian word yet Laura
meaning beast that captures its prey in
a single battle
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