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Interview: Carsten Peter | National Geographic

well I have a science background I
studied biology well I had a different
imagination how biologists would work I
thought they are much more dedicated to
fieldwork and a lot of their work takes
place in labs and whatever so so I
realized well I want to be out in the
field and and I did already during my
study I financed my study partly with
photography and was traveling a lot and
was out there a lot and and I was
important to me so it just became the
main job
I love to explore new ranges in in the
environment and and and this are these
kind of exotic places you know like this
overheated crystal cave that was pretty
amazing where you need to cooling suits
to to just venture in where you have a
lot of troubles with photography I like
to to figure out some problems yeah I
think just plain photography is not
enough for me so I need always a
personal challenge to it and I always
well I’d Mya nature and what so whatever
so that’s always nature connected nature
is so much above you so it’s so much
stronger than you and you’re you feel
kind of little in or to the nature so
that’s always the feeling live to hunt
for yeah just the admiration and the
fascination to especially if the
fascination for the subject if you’re
standing down there at the lava lake and
if you feel the rumble if you if you’re
directly on the pulse of there of the
Planet of the of the earth it’s so
different and so mesmerizing that’s
that’s one of these incredible
experiences I live for
the conditions can be cruel sometimes
yeah I mean if you don’t have visibility
if there is forgive this misty view I
don’t know
camera is condensating if I don’t know
what happens or is attacked by the
acidic fluids or gases is it it’s always
kind of difficult and I mean you try to
find a way around and even if the
weather is bad even if the conditions
are bad you you try to visualize it in
some way lighting is always a challenge
especially in these caves and ice I work
with all sorts of lighting technologies
yeah and combined and and you you can’t
say a distinct way how I do it I make it
always dependent on the environment and
and how I could best light it and I
constructed my my personal trigger
devices which are capable to ignite even
flash bulbs things like that that they
are triggered according to the camera
and yeah well there a lot of things to
it and I always experiment and try to
discover some new ways that’s
interesting to me to come up with
something new
yeah I’m not sure if I need my
photograph he immediately recognized
that my with my handwriting or whatever
so I prefer rather to be kind of
flexible and surprised always from a
different angle and that’s I I play a
lot with my motives and I might come in
future from a completely different angle
and maybe is a complete different way of
work but I always like to surprise so
it’s nice if people are surprised maybe
that’s a way of a handwriting but but I
don’t want to to bind it on a certain
technique or so so I want to be flexible
nowadays you are bombarded with so many
incredible images from all everywhere in
the world so so you are influenced from
everywhere and I like that I mean I like
to be influenced and I like to be
influenced maybe also from completely
different ranges you know maybe some
portrait photographer or whatever or I
think you can learn a lot of directions
and it’s always nice to pick things from
here and there and to integrate in your
work and of course you are influenced
there’s a lot of different aspects and
the fotografia I like very much and
somehow it drives me I mean since I’m 15
I never put the camera away from from me
for a long time so yeah I mean I’m mad
with photography and it’s it’s a really
driving force and to get things I mean I
would like to do justice to these
incredible objects and to this beautiful
the world is so big and these are little
pockets I explore and there are so many
more than my life is to show that’s the
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