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Hurricane Surge | National Geographic

24 hours from landfall the hurricane has
strengthened to category 5
a 350 mile wide heat engine it converts
the warmth of the sea into winds over
155 miles per hour inside the storm
rising water vapor and churning seas
mean the hurricane picks up two billion
tons of seawater every 24 hours the
rains inside the storm are torrential
the path is set hurricane historian J
Barnes knows what happens next here we
have a hurricane about to strike land we
know what is going to happen because
we’ve seen it happen before a powerful
storm very very large in diameter going
to affect hundreds of miles of coastline
a hurricanes biggest killer is water not
rain but a wall of water called a storm
surge 90% of all hurricane deaths are
from drowning
oceanographer Steven beg watches the
Atlantic for the first signs of the
surgery Star Search is not something
that’s been seen by very many people and
even fewer survivors so that it’s hard
to describe to people the hurricane
sucks warm air upward this generates a
low pressure zone under the heart of the
pressure is so low the sea rises up and
builds a dome of water beneath the
the same thing happens every time you
drink from a straw
I’m going to reduce the pressure inside
of the straw by sucking on it slightly
and we’ll see what happens
as you can see as I reduce the pressure
in those in the straw the fluid got
pushed up by the surrounding atmosphere
as it compensated for that pressure lost
inside all of this draw itself
low pressure raises sea level up to 3
feet a big surge can surpass 25 feet the
driver is wind it pushes the sea ahead
of the storm
when it hits the shallow water of the
continental shelf the surge builds what
the wind does when it blows in this
direction is induce a verticals of cell
circulation cell in the ocean water
itself it’s underneath the storm as the
hurricane moves closer to shore this
cell of circulation shuts down it’s now
impeded in its internal flow by the
friction of the seabed and to keep the
cell driving it requires a higher head
of water that higher head of water in
here is the storm surge
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