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Human Smugglers | National Geographic

it’s 4:00 p.m. and at Border Patrol
headquarters a group of agents prepares
for combat all right guys get the party
they’re adversaries are drug smugglers
Gun Runners and illegal border crossers
I’ll be careful out there and their
battlefield is more than 1,000 square
miles of unforgiving desert ten minutes
into his shift agent Eddie Berlanga
receives a call from an agent already in
the field hey Jess are what’s the 20 on
that gun that loading vehicle a pickup
truck was spotted collecting 11
suspected illegal immigrants walking
across the border one of our scope
operators were the ones that were able
to see him hiding in the brush and he
also saw the Baker pull up and the
individuals got into the vehicle but
when the agent approached the pickup
truck took off now a high-speed desert
chase is underway see we can make it to
that errand see we can intercept
leading the chase a few miles away is
supervisory Border Patrol agent William
Ortiz well that’s why I had him yeah I
got a does bottle up ahead of me and my
fortune strips me woman pretty quick the
open bed of the pickup is loaded with
people some of them children and could
flip over on the uneven dirt road Ortiz
tries to push the truck towards a paved
road ahead where agents were longa can
head them off all right tempura I copy
keys give me description on that vehicle
please toy pickup truck extended cab
but before the agents rendezvous the
suspected human smugglers ditched their
truck full of people and head into the
desert on foot
Ortiz and Berlanga arrived to find a
disturbing scene how many we have here
we have a total of 11 including two
small children this is just cargo human
and although want to do is make a quick
buck and they don’t care who they hurt
they don’t care where they put in danger
for longer pursues the two men as other
agents arrived to help it’s a street
north spread out all right sprout and
pushing north Monday while lower teens
tries to find out who helped bring these
people across the border says Dana Regla
con el Quixote para venir para cada no
no hicieron seguro now the same that
didn’t make any arrangement but this is
pretty organized I mean why would they
go to a specific spot and wait for a
specific vehicle you know get into of
course you know they’re not gonna say
cuz they’ve been told on the other side
you know if you say something we’re
gonna hurt you we’re gonna hurt your
family so that’s why they’re not saying
anything para siempre Delta principal
para venir aquí los Estados Unidos para
trabajar seiga-san’s o Nina’s esteban
tail aqui para yareta porque se regresar
para mango sorry we while questioning
the group agents spot the men moving
through the brush there in the river
right now topic Ortiz immediately radios
Berlanga with their location one guy has
a grey shirt
the other one is black tip you can cut
them off where longer must act fast the
border is only a few miles away if
agents don’t catch them before they
reach it their jurisdiction ends and the
smugglers go free
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