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How To Keep A Bear From Messing Up Your Music Playlist | National Geographic

dude I told him to stop doing this it’s
my music library I ground myself so
having a bear as a roommate you know has
its drawbacks take some major
compromising I don’t know I find you
just got to be more aware since bears
can have paws that are roughly the size
of a dinner plate makes it hard for them
to get their paws in places human hands
can go so I engineered what I like to
call the keyboard protector it’s
basically a piece of wood that sits five
inches above the keyboard making it easy
for human hands to slide in and out and
use the computer but bear paws nope my
playlist stays intact therefore I’m a
lot happier bears crave the soothing
sounds of nature 24-7 so that’s why I
like to start off with little nature
sounds fun loop also I like to bring the
outside inside
now it’s time for the dirt bears need it
what goes with the ground everyone knows
what goes with the ground plants I’m
starting to feel this now let’s get that
volume up look at this like you’re
looking at it you’re thinking who built
a house around the outside yes some
plants in there this is stupid this is
get this out of here get some real
plants none of this is real I want that
to be now but this is more decoration
how does that don’t National Geographic
up in this piece snake keeps other
animals out of the Bears natural habitat
get that last minute we put your finger
on it he’s like below faster why are you
talking to no it is a two-man job
because if it weren’t I’d already have
it done by now see was that so hard was
that that hard if that bear could talk I
picture him saying Thank You Phil for
being a perfect roommate and going out
of your way to create the most realistic
nature scenario possible
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