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Hooked on Bass | National Geographic

today Jed Dickerson Mac Weekly and Mike
Wynn believe they have a shot at
catching the new world record largemouth
bass and they’ve dedicated a good part
of their lives to the task jed
Dickerson’s winning formula is to be on
Lake Dix in California every single day
during the spawning season
it’s mid-may and this is his 70th
consecutive day in search of the world
record bass this year I mean I’m here
every single day I’m trying to balance
you know my family work come out here
hunt the fish his 2003 catch of thottie
the 21 pound 12 ounce bass was the
fourth biggest on the all-time bass list
but the fact that she still could be
swimming in the lake and could be even
bigger is more than enough to fuel the
hunt for Jed it’s more than just a hunt
it’s an obsession really without
obsessions you don’t really really reach
the pinnacle of your profession or your
hobby or whatever you do without being
completely obsessed I mean Michael
Jordan was obviously obsessed with
basketball the fact that these guys are
obsessed with catching the biggest bass
in the world doesn’t make that any less
than Michael Jordan being obsessed with
Jed’s efforts intensified the next three
big fish were caught but none the size
of dotty then on March 20th 2006 when
the three friends were back out on the
lake hunting another giant fish was
spotted look down the fish and
immediately right when I saw the fish I
knew that that was Jed’s fish I knew
that was a fish that Jed caught back in
2003 but with the park closing for the
day the three decide to get a campsite
for the night to be the first ones on
the water the following morning get a
permit in a boat we hop in the boat we
headed straight to the spot so we pull
up on this fish get all set up back in
jeder fishing it’s a day much like today
cloudy overcast the grizzly and we’re
thinking oh man we’re not gonna be able
to see anything so it’s definitely tough
conditions for this type of fishing I
think Jed casted down on the fish first
he took a couple casts backed off I took
a couple casts
she goes right down
max dig and noses up like this I mean
like you could just see like kind of a
shadow creeping in right on it and Mike
and Jed and I decided that next person
just swing on it so can’t see his Jake
anymore and then he feels a thump I felt
a thud I saw kind of a belly kind of
flash and I couldn’t see my jig so I set
the hook cuz you got you got you got it
you know this type of fishing I mean
with bass fishing in general when in
doubt you swing we started chasing the
fish around finally you got it inside
the net once we got in the net we put in
the boat we could tell the fish had been
foul hooked foul would means the hook
was embedded outside the mouth
California Fish and Game regulations
state that a fish must voluntarily take
the lure in its mouth to be a legal
catch it was disappointing but at the
same time it was rewarding this thing
just was enormous there’s the black
there’s the black right there first
thing he sees the black dot you know
it’s the same fish that black shot was
right underneath its jaw line right over
bite its side of its Gill plate that we
knew that that was the fish that Jed
caught back in no three hurry up guys
let’s get this thing back in the water
that’s when it weighed in at 25 1 it was
just as enormous seeing a bass it was
that big crazy we photographed her we
videotaped her and made the decision
that the right thing to do is to
actually let the fish go so we put her
back in the lake and she’s she’s still
out here for somebody to possibly catch
you know the dream is still alive it’s a
it’s a crazy day in bass fishing history
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