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Heartbreaking Stories | National Geographic

we’ve had a couple of stories which will
just break your heart but one of them I
think was the most poignant it was
actually a young woman maybe 23 years
old they found her tucked under and half
way up into the – she was in fetal
position her legs were wrapped around
the front seat her head and shoulders
right underneath the dashboard of the
vehicle there was a big dude sitting
over top of her she was in a black
leotard to hide her there the officer at
the port smelled a rat every officer has
a bell you know when something’s not
that Bell’s gonna ring and say
something’s wrong with this couple or
whatever they were avoiding eye contact
the driver was shaking her hands were
shaking I requested the passenger to
step out of the vehicle as soon as I
turned my side to the vehicle that’s
when I noticed there was a body there he
was this young woman literally tuck half
way up into the dashboard well it turns
out she came across when she was only
eight years old she lived in America for
15 years early 20s she was married to a
u.s. citizen she had a little boy well
it looks like she’d been living in the
United States or her life she was
crossing illegally and then from there
on it’s pretty much adapted to to the
life in the United States and on the
advice bad advice I suppose of a
immigration lawyer he said look you’re
married to a an American go back into
Tijuana get your visa you’ll be back in
a few days well she went to get her visa
they said you can’t apply for this for
three years my lawyer told me they’re
only gonna keep you five days they’re
not gonna give me a big punishment
because I was here since I was 8 she
thought she can just go in there get
that visa and then just just come right
back and that’s that’s not what happened
so she’s stuck in Tijuana at times she
doesn’t know it all she’s terrified and
now she has to work with the worst of
the worst human smugglers to get back in
and we found out was her second attempt
to get back in
and she was in tears she was just wanted
to get home she wanted to see her son
and her husband and I don’t know what’s
happened I don’t know if she ever got
back in because every time you make an
attempt and you fail immigration will
put three or five more years before you
can even apply again because she had
attempted entry without any documents
she was denied that visa
when you stay without paper to give your
punishment and my punishment was three
years but she’s a woman who doesn’t know
Tijuana trap now in Mexico I don’t know
what’s going to have an order but this
just shows you how tough it is it’s not
a black-and-white situation everything
there shades of grey
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