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Green Home Makeover | National Geographic

hi I’m patty Kim whether you trying to
stay warm in the deep freeze of winter
or stay cool when it’s absolutely
boiling outside the summer heating and
cooling your home offers you some of the
best and biggest opportunities to cut
down on energy waste and save yourself
some money but it does require a couple
of key things running your cooling and
heating systems efficiently and making
sure that your home is properly
insulated from the outside elements
here’s how you do it
your house is heating and cooling
systems can add up to forty-five percent
of your utility bill and have a
tremendous impact on the environment a
good place to start improving is right
here with the brain of the system the
thermostat setting the temperature lower
in winter will help save you energy in
fact about three percent less energy for
every single degree you drop likewise in
some are raising the thermostat will
also help save you energy and don’t
forget this is just as important change
those furnace filters monthly keeping
the home comfy isn’t all about setting
the temperature the outside elements may
be creeping in without you even knowing
it about a third of outside air enters
through floors walls and ceilings small
cracks and joints allow cold air in
during winter and air conditioned air
out in summers to cut down on wasted
energy seal exposed air paths around
plumbing electrical wiring and ducting
that traverse walls with caulk or phone
now you’ll want to make sure you pay
extra special attention to areas that
separate the exterior from the interior
ie doors doors are a natural culprit
front doors doors that open to the
garage their major source of heat loss
for your home now to avoid that ensure
the tightest seal possible around your
doorway check and see what your weather
stripping looks like if you don’t have
any you definitely want to add some
stripping and if you do check for wear
and tear and at the very least replace
the worn out sections and closing doors
to unused rooms is also a helpful thing
because it helps reduce the amount of
space you have to heat and cool that
fireplace that keeps your living room
cozy in winter can let out up to eight
percent of your home’s warm or cool air
make sure the dampers are closed when
not in use it’s great to have the
sunlight streaming in and the beautiful
views that large windows can offer you
but this is an area where you can lose a
significant amount of energy but you can
minimize heat loss by up to fifty
percent simply by installing storm
shutters over your windows closing
curtains & window shades at night will
help keep the warmth in during the
colder months while closing them during
the day and summer will reflect the
sun’s rays and keep things cool and if
you’re renovating installing new windows
with the Energy Star label that will
reduce your heating & cooling costs by
at least fifteen percent the key to
having uniform temperatures in the house
good insulation the fact of the matter
is most houses aren’t insulated well
enough for their climates that’s
especially true if your house was built
before 1980 adding more insulation to
your crawlspace or attic can create
energy savings year-round there are lots
of choices when it comes to insulation
but recycled cotton cellulose and soy
bean foam earn high marks for their
eco-friendliness we’ve offered you a few
tips today to help make your home more
comfortable and efficient but that said
every home is unique to get the best
results for your home call your local
utility company and schedule an energy
changes that you make today will go a
long long way towards saving you money
and the planet that’s it for now I’m
patty Kim we’ll see you next time
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