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Green Bedroom Makeover | National Geographic

hi I’m patty Kim peaceful and relaxing
that’s how many people would describe
the ideal bedroom so if you’re
redecorating to create that serene
atmosphere here are a few ways you can
make sure the bedroom is also one of the
healthiest spots in the house now
decorators will tell you that a fresh
coat of paint is the quickest and
cheapest way to transform a room but
even after the smell of wet paint
disappears pink continues to give off
chemicals in the form of a gas a process
called off gassing inhaling off gas
chemicals can affect your health but
there’s something you can do about it
when it’s time to paint avoid oil-based
products and choose paints that are low
in volatile organic compounds or VOCs
some carpets can emit gases as well to
avoid chemical off gassing choose
washable area rugs made from untreated
natural fibers like organic cotton hemp
or wool these steps will help make the
air inside your home cleaner but by
making one teeny change right here in
the bedroom you can also help to reduce
outdoor pollution as well all you have
to do is replace these standard light
bulbs with something that looks like
this it’s a compact fluorescent light or
CFL traditional incandescent light bulbs
create light by giving off heat CFLs
burn far cooler and use two-thirds less
energy the advantages don’t stop there
CFLs last up to 10 times longer than
incandescent bulbs over its lifetime
just one bulb can prevent hundreds of
pounds of carbon dioxide from entering
the atmosphere that same bulb can cut
thirty dollars off your electric bill
before it wears out CFLs come in many
shapes and sizes a bulb labeled warm
white gives off a warmer more golden
glow similar to an incandescent light
bulb now if you’re ready to shop for
CFLs what you’ve got to do first is
check the wattage on the bulbs that
you’re using right now then divide that
by four and that’s because CFLs
they tend to produce about four times as
much light as the standard bulb so if
that’s way too much math for you let me
give you an idea you’ve got a hundred
watt standard bulb what you want to do
is buy a 25 watt cfl when you turn the
lights out at night you’ll need a bed
that’s healthy for you and the
environment when you buy a bed look for
mattress is made with organic materials
such as organic cotton wool or natural
latex you’ll avoid the harmful chemical
formaldehyde which is emitted by the
materials in many conventional
mattresses and by choosing organic
cotton you’ll be reducing the amount of
pesticides in the environment just by
following any of these tips you can make
your bedroom healthier and more earth
friendly and not to mention a great
place to get a good night’s sleep we’ll
see you next time
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