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Ghosts: Is It Real? | National Geographic

as we’ll find out these orbs supposedly
the energy signatures of ghosts may
simply mean it’s time to have the house
cleaned and those wild fluctuations in
the electromagnetic field could mean you
need an electrician not a Ghostbuster
but before we unleash the skeptics we
need to start with the basics if ghosts
exist what exactly are the damn things
and are they really band or just damn
hard to pin down
for those of a skeptical band when it
comes to ghosts well there’s a lot less
here than meets the eye the ghosts that
I’ve witnessed and that I’ve been
exposed to and that I’ve been offered as
examples are usually the results of poor
understanding of Technology of
psychology or of perfectly ordinary
events that happened to us all the time
and can be misinterpreted for the
believers ghosts are as real as the
living and ghostly apparitions come in
several flavors
first there’s the old standby ghosts are
dead people dead people who had
something like a transporter malfunction
beaming from the here and now to the
that malfunction is usually caused by
some sort of major trauma like murder or
suicide curiously it said these spirits
often don’t know they’re dead a second
kind of apparition appears to be a mere
echo of something that happened in the
past some sort of psychic residue like a
looped videotape of a moment in time
this kind of haunting seems to have no
will of its own and does not interact
with the living a third type is called a
crisis apparition when the dead are said
to appear shortly after their deaths two
people close to them
they are reputed to be aware of their
deaths and can interact with the living
most often bringing messages of comfort
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