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Gen X Reacts to AIDS | Generation X

in 1985 Rock Hudson
Hollywood heartthrob becomes the face of
AIDS and overnight the epidemic is no
longer anonymous I was on the set of The
Breakfast Club when I heard about Rock
Hudson and to me that sort of changed
everything it kind of finally hit home
for the country one of the American
Idols was sick and it was AIDS and then
two months later he was gone the country
went into Ana bola like panic the fear
of catching aids is spreading as quickly
as the virus people are scared to
interact people scared to be in the same
room in San Francisco police and firemen
were issued masks to wear in case they
have to resuscitate AIDS victims it was
terrifying I lived in San Francisco I
had a lot of friends affected by it a
lot of friends died by 1985 1 to 2
million Americans are carriers but show
no symptoms to make matters worse the
government doesn’t seem to be doing much
to help find a cure I came here today in
the hope that my epitaph would that read
that I died of red tape
but there’s no delay at school
Generation X learns a frightening new
lesson I was terrified of sex we were
having constant assemblies at school
like basically you’re going to die if
you have sex the AIDS crisis made you
feel like basically to get AIDS at any
moment it influenced every relationship
sex equals death
I mean every English major knows that
right I mean symbolically but this time
it was the truth
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