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Fishing For a Lead | Lawless Oceans

it’s not possible to get a Western film
crew into a ran at the moment so I’ve
asked a local journalist called absent
to search on my behalf
Hajong hora I’m hoping well someone will
recognize the victims boat or better
still their faces only me anything
further than you might be non-kosher
engine only huge and again all the
easily hook mother was here look let’s
one she’s a visual in Sonya teaming
variation gender but what can i push
against a more research team came
asunder and our yolks but the families
the damage MicroStation bocce harvest
and was there some quality sugarcane I
enter it with you know between a motive
a coordinate oh sorry Daria son Graham
Ekaterina Romney cousin Willy Nadal
yo-yo got a large boom sugar of Somalia
Bashar Assad again as I leave John as a
large by of motto grafted into Hannah ha
Jennifer I’m day is a domino will go
down to the f8 chestnuts all three
children this is a potential lead an
Iranian boat that disappeared off the
coast of Somalia in the same timeframe
is the video oh sááá–
Nam on Ash nannies mention optimism
demon a mechanical tamanho da cheese an
occasional messenger economic some his
morning tea telephony nine horses mocha
Java generics wanna rock bottom you will
enjoy business in Geronimo garage in
lady Renea deal and Iran Yolanda
checklist fiberglass a canary key
fiberglass a mystery fabulous
there’s only a handful of Iranian
boatyards that use fiberglass and wood
to make their douse and one of them is
based in Cana Rock a fishing port that
acts as a round gateway to the Indian
Ocean if the victims boat is from Iran
and may have been built here
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