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Emperor Penguins Speed Launch Out of the Water | National Geographic

originally proposed the story National
Geographic about emperor penguins I
wanted to really connect the readers of
National Geographic to this this bird
that can swim such capability that it’s
hard to comprehend we are here off of
Cape Washington Antarctica and the Ross
Sea the Penguins are going to see defeat
and they’ll be gone anywhere from ten
days to three weeks and then they’ll
return back to the colonies so you have
a constant parade of penguins leaving
and penguins returning so we wanted to
look at this relationship between this
exit strategy they have this is coating
themselves in bubbles and how they avoid
leopard seal predation I didn’t want to
appear as a predator to these penguins
when they return from the open sea and
so I locked my legs under the ice can I
wait it and all of a sudden I had these
four foot long eighty pound penguins all
around me I had I had an emperor penguin
crawl up on my head on my back onto the
ice and I knew it was going to go well
and as I’m lying there you start to see
these penguins come rocketing up from
the depths and their backs are facing me
as they rock it up towards his open hole
in the ice and as they’re doing that
it’s like somebody turned on a jet and
the bubbles to start pouring off these
penguins they release bubbles from their
crown from your belly from their back
and they essentially create a tunnel of
air around themselves that would allow
them to triple their speed when they
exit the water I knew that I needed to
photograph this behavior from the
surface as well you’d be pointing your
camera here waiting and 10 10 penguins
would come off to your right 6 to the
left you know one would fly over you so
it is extremely hard to get it actually
became quite comical and you have 300
penguins coming over the water and they
fly so high into the air and when they
land on their bellies they knock the air
of themselves you felt a little bit
sorry for them but they were okay this
is what they’re designed to do
so we are they’re just lying on the edge
of the ice and it’s amazing that the
Penguins know that we’re not a threat
we’re not something that could hurt them
and they they’re nervous of us at the
start but they get used to us very
I was mesmerized by the beauty the
agility of these birds is speed the
Grace and the power and the control that
they had over their environment when and
when not to release bubbles it was one
of the coolest things I’ve definitely
seen in my career
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