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Drive Like a Spy | National Geographic

most of us learn to avoid accidents but
let’s say a bad guy is blocking your
vehicle gentlemen we’re at the RAM site
now we’re going to practice the the
technique of moving a stationary vehicle
from our path this is a technique they
will use if you need to use forward
momentum to get out of a dangerous
situation the goal and RAM techniques is
not simply to crash into the other
vehicle non-market let you use the
kinetic energy from your moving vehicle
to impact the front or back of the enemy
car and displace it impacting the other
car dead center is not called ramming
it’s called a wreck
that was a shallow head you can see that
she was very little behind that sheet
metal there so that kinetic energy needs
to transfer into this axial line and not
out here into a big shock absorber if
you think Al’s tough on his cars he’s
tougher on his trainees the next
situation will use a surprise attacker
what is next is a scenario which will
not be explained to the students prior
to their exposure to it but part of this
training involves the skills to analyze
a driving situation a potential attack
site we’re going to be working on an
area of the track which is basically one
large continuous curve and they will be
travelling in this direction in this
drill two vehicles are confronted by a
third coming up from behind a car is
parked on the right shoulder of the road
as our car passes by an improvised
explosive device IED for short detonates
for down down push it out push out the
explosion damages the lead car but the
trailing car pushes at giving a momentum
until they meet the second obstacle
under the power of the car following us
will ram through create an open roadway
and then we will escape the attacks
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