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Doggie Dentistry | National Geographic

trainer john garcia prepares for the
arrival of a dog suffering from an
undiagnosed medical condition today
we’re receiving a dog named zambie from
indiana apparently she has a very
malformed jaw so we’re not really
knowing what to expect zambie a black
lab mix was abandoned by her owner at an
indiana shelter the shelter didn’t have
the resources to treat the dog so she
was about to be euthanized but Dogtown
stepped in to rescue her hey Stacey
how’s it going hi baby girl Sammy Sam
B’s tongue hangs from the side of her
mouth at an odd angle that a tongue
how was she for the drive oh she’s off
was he good okay thank you come on it’s
my baby girl come on all right come on
John immediately takes the dog for an
exam with head veterinarian dr. Mike
dicks all right welcome to best friends
come here come here baby hey how you
doing hey that’s right yeah exam d she’s
all she’s old tail wags hey buddy hey
good girl huh no girl so yeah nigga girl
is small yet good girl dr. Mike finds a
massive infected growth on the dogs
lower jaw the growth appears to have
eaten away tissue and bone leaving a
gaping hole my first impression was holy
card I mean it was her jaw was
completely out of line it would smelled
horribly yeah it’s pretty fell and it
just looked it looked kind of like a
rotten mess in her mouth I’ve never seen
anything that bad before GE yeah says
she was eating and drinking just fine
the infection appears to have spread
throughout zambezi entire lower jaw Wow
you can see there’s a huge defect or in
there yeah that’s there’s a huge hole
this has to hurt like
they’re just imagine yourself having a
small tooth infection and it hurts to
chew anything she’s got a whole
cantaloupe infection in her mouth I mean
you got imagine that that’s painful but
yeah I was gonna say I don’t think
there’s any bet records or anything like
that so complicating matters zambezi
medical history is fragmented and
confusing it appears her condition was
never treated she has been this way
since she was a pup you know it’s never
got taken care of yeah I can’t believe
she might that was a pup there’s no way
it was a little upsetting part of the
report was that she’d had this her whole
life and she basically had a huge crater
taken out of her lower jaw with the bone
completely rearranged with a horrible
infection in her mouth dog worried the
mask could be life threatening dr. Mike
schedules a biopsy right away girl
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