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DIY – The Language Game | Brain Games

how many words do you think you read in
a single day 500 maybe a thousands it’s
gonna vary wildly depending on who you
are and what you do but by most
estimates it’s several thousands a day
now how many words do you think a
typical person knows we estimate that
people know about fifteen to fifty
thousand words and what’s remarkable is
how quickly and automatically you
recognize those so what we’re going to
illustrate for you is a game that shows
when we present words you can decode
them reliably even under very unusual
configuration using an interesting brain
trick okay pay attention take a look at
the sentence can you understand what it
says I know it looks a little funky but
and see if you can decode it as if
you’re like most people you can make
sense of it even though it’s some kind
of a weird arrangement okay here are the
sentences in the typical configuration
so now you can see I couldn’t believe
that I could actually understand what I
was reading pretty straightforward right
so that was actually pretty easy now
let’s try something that’s a little bit
more difficult but you have to really
pay attention and read carefully because
here the trick is actually embedded in
the text and in the reading so pay close
attention I’ll give you about 10 seconds
to read the next paragraph
so were you able to understand
everything in that paragraph I think
probably yes but let’s see it in its
original arrangement so the trick was
hidden in plain sight just as I promised
as long as the first and the last
letters are actually in their original
position your brain is able to rearrange
the local information and allows you to
decode the written words almost
automatically in effortless there’s
really two things going on in your brain
when you’re reading even a jumbled
paragraph one is that you use the
context information the grammatical
information the meaning information to
predict what’s going on what allows you
to decode even jumbled information is
the fact that you can decode single
items and their local neighborhood now
you can actually play this cool game at
home with friends and family they might
become your ex friends and family by
just writing out a sentence or a
paragraph and then playing with it and
just follow the same rule keep the first
and last letter the same and see if you
can still read it son move stuff around
here and voila we followed the same rule
first and last letter the same the whole
thing looks crazy but you can decode it
just fine isn’t that a cool trick
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