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DIY – The Cup and Knife Game | Brain Games

so humans are competitive animals
whether it’s our obsession with sports
keeping up with a neighbor or even
finding a mate we’re always looking to
compete with one another so how
competitive are you a lot a little bit
well no matter how competitive you think
you are I’m willing to bet that I can
trigger the mechanism of competition in
your brain by putting you head-to-head
with some of our volunteers in a battle
of wits and reflexes hi hi I’m three
rich rich nice to meet you Casey have a
seat sure what I’m going to be having
you guys do today is compete against
each other to see who can solve a very
challenging puzzle the fastest your
brains are going to get a total workout
so here’s a challenge you have four
glasses and three knives you need to
find a way to stack one of the glasses
on top of the other three but using only
these three knives in your solution the
glass that’s on top can actually not
physically touch any of the other three
glasses so you’re really looking to use
these three knives so I’d like you to
try at home is to see if you can solve
this puzzle with our volunteers and
maybe solve it faster than they can okay
ready go
I don’t think any of the glasses can be
touching any other glass okay so if it’s
not touching the other glass I think
that’s a feasible solution how are you
doing Casey okay see what I see is that
two of your knives are used in the
meaningful way the other might be
aesthetic and rich how about you you’re
actually sort of follow the rules you’re
using all three knives in a meaningful
way and your glass is not touching it I
was just trying to balance it with the
knives took a while but I think it works
how’d you do did you come up with one of
these two solutions something else did
you come up with it faster than they did
the interesting question is while you’re
competing what’s actually happening in
your brain there’s a pleasure hormone
called dopamine that gets released when
you’re in competition and actually if
you win there’s more release of dopamine
so in other words our brain gets
addicted to competition now that you
know how to solve this puzzle try it at
home get your friends and family against
each other an interesting twist with you
get to get friends and families that
don’t think that they’re so competitive
because I bet you when you get them
started they’ll start competing
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