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Dinosaur Body-Building | National Geographic

what we’re doing is we’re just sort of
rolling out some muscles so yeah get
involved in that you some basic shapes
snakes and what nuts Hall trained and
Jason Brom now go to work putting flesh
on the bones of their young t-rex should
probably go we suppose in this order ok
doll teto working initially in clay
they’ll lay out all the muscles here are
the shapes and positions right here it’s
not clear whether it loops around here
or whether I can just come over there oh
look they begin with the legs yeah
thighs and tail speed sculpting
it’s all right here so it turns in
you’re like a little stringy bit yeah
how thick with these muscles be in a
real t-rex change profile as it gets
close how would they connect with
anything I’ve come round and cross
section as it goes over yeah so it would
fill up here so it wraps around like
that yeah when we study muscular
reconstructions on dinosaurs where a lot
of times looking at two dimensional
drawings but none of which give us a
three-dimensional view of how those
muscles work how they how they weave in
between each other and how the masses
fill out no one knows what a fully
loaded t-rex looked like under the skin
it so the team decides to check its work
against its contemporary cusses this mu
came from a local farm it had suffered a
crippling leg injury and had to be put
down but it may be able to provide the
answers they need aided by anatomy
expert Catherine chorney the team zeroes
in on its long and muscular legs they
begin to peel back the individual
muscles well that’s that that’s the way
that this is goes together and sever
them from tendons that hold them to the
bones yeah you know a lot of the action
of the running is coming from the knee
quite a wedge of muscle it’s almost
wider than it is long as opposed to have
t-rex which is sort of longer than it is
right wide right that’d be the muscle
that does the job hall was talking about
there is one unmistakable difference
between this bird and the baby t-rex
first of all a t-rex would have a very
massive very long tail and the
musculature between the leg and the tail
would be much more developed than it is
a t-rex like its other distant relatives
from the crocodile family controlled its
massive tail with huge muscles that
extend it out from its legs while a croc
uses it’s tail to propel itself through
the water a t-rex probably used it for
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