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“Cold Stunned” Turtles Get NASA Rescue | National Geographic

with record-breaking cold temperatures
in Florida this week recent efforts to
save tropical sea turtles on the beaches
are paying off beginning last week when
the cold snap began NASA’s Kennedy Space
Center teamed up with Florida’s Fish and
Wildlife Conservation Commission as well
as other rescue groups to remove green
and loggerhead turtles Kennedy is home
to the Merritt Island National refuge
the turtles were cold-stunned this
happens when water temperatures go below
60 degrees Fahrenheit the turtles become
sluggish and lethargic when their body
temperatures plunge in the cold more
than 270 endangered turtles were
identified and taken to facilities in
the area with warmer environments the
animals were all measured weighed and
checked for any medical problems once
the weather warms they will be released
back into Kennedy’s Mosquito Lagoon or
the Indian River cold stunning last
happened in Florida more than 20 years
ago in 1989
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