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Cesar Millan’s Tips For a Happy Dog | National Geographic

have a tough situation with your dog I
got all the tips to help and I wrote a
book just for you me Rosie a
four-year-old stablish interior with a
stubborn streak how can she become a
happy dog so we’re gonna go this way yep
ok rizzy and i’m still looking at how
you invite Rosie tizzy come on baby how
do I sound so right in the animal world
that becomes a wig source of energy when
you have a soft energy you can only be a
father I have to be somebody strong who
leads the pack look is the guidance
there’s a good I want that about that
what I wanted that was yesterday this is
all normal she has learned to shut down
I don’t know how to entice her to come
for a walk and to go the way that I want
to go you see how hung when we do the
release hmm there you go right there so
when I raise the chin up and make the
brain do this behavior as soon as the
brain went in this position I relax the
leash and then she realized Wow but this
guy I can’t shut down if he knows how to
bring me right back up that’s a bad
habit Rosie you need to learn at the
pool few months they don’t like that one
to end your dog’s bad habits
check out my new book Cesar Millan show
guide to a happy dog ninety-eight
essential tips and techniques available
wherever books and ebooks are sold
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