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Carmen Consoli – | National Geographic

venditti I’m short, are output
to go adventuring
He did not care to have
success does not interest me to succeed I do not give anything
I can help but quietly
It happened that means there is usually successful
One succession Popularity
echo of this but I do not give anything I have to say
indeed I never think
my success
It is to be able to communicate emotions
even before a person – mint no matter if it’s me a wide audience
there can be two persons 4 10 100 1000 8000
But it is important that I can communicate something
and I think this one the small key and happiness and will succeed
still write what I want to say
I esprinet
so I think that it happened
a person
not be known to be a billionaire
here is this is a great enough
I must say we do not mind
however my parents have taught this
you if someone when you do what your beliefs does not
matter if it did not happen
indeed successes also almost a little ‘vulgar
and I threw a bit ‘a bit or else this phishing
also it happened almost a little ‘vulgar
you have to see to your personal success
to do what you believe in the same moment in those three faicchio
These also poor
are not you happy
so I am a poor singer who is a poor singer
attacking its Jeckerson practiced King
kissing will culminate taught so well to hear the united states
fanni eating is not middle of the road
without doing anything
I listen
Now you snow
I can not hear
They are not great
the latter
thank you
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