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Bull Run Campaign | Extreme Civil War Reenactors

in sweltering heat 10,000 reenactors and
20,000 spectators converge on a farm in
suburban Virginia for the 150th
anniversary of the Battle of first
Manassas Bull Run
it’s a rare opportunity for extreme
reenactors to experience the scale
intensity and conditions of an authentic
civil war campaign
it’s a once-in-a-lifetime thing to be
able to do any of these anniversary
events over the next few years you know
I believe it’s the desire of most civil
war re-enactors they be able to make as
many of these events as we can once
sometimes twice a month maybe even more
often than that
you’re gonna see it manassas I’m gonna
bet you’re gonna be seeing a lot of
mid-war confederate impressions which is
totally wrong you’re gonna see stuff
that wasn’t issued until 6263
and it’s going to be a kind of an
there’s different levels of dedication
to lay out on the ground the way we do
did not have any straw underneath those
to not have a tent over our heads to not
have a Coleman stove or cooler Igloo
cooler full of water some of us can
stand to do with that
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