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Bite the Bullet | Diggers

right here buddy what is it
check this out it’s a mini but listen
lookit it looks like it’s too like to
toy this bullet looks like it has teeth
marks all over it you know
the roadwork granting all this man March
is just right over the rise then we’re
probably Confederates up here blasting
down maybe one of them got wounded damn
the bullet the two on maybe they
amputated his leg or something
everybody’s heard about that bite the
bullet that’s where it comes from you
know but when you’re out here and you
see this for real pretty scary I mean
they would just hold you down put a
bullet in your mouth say bite on this
and then they would amputate your leg or
your arm I mean that would be a
this is an incredible find I mean you’ve
got all kinds of stuff out here I know
there’s look at the flags right here I
found a whole handful of mini balls just
right here but I can’t help wondering
why the chewed bullet was right here in
the middle of a skirmish site I’m gonna
check with mark later
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