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Big-Haired Baboons | Weird Nature

these are gelada baboons and they’re
only found here in the Ethiopian
highlands they’re the only primates
native to high altitudes and they’re the
only ones that graze on grass yeah with
the possible exception of certain
fanatically vegan New York high-fashion
models I wonder if the gelada baboon
inspired Tina Turner’s famous shag
haircut during her what’s love got to do
with the tour of course only the male
geladas grow these maids gelada baboons
like this one may have inspired the
phrase nitpicking although why the
phrase is nitpicking as opposed to nit
picking and eating is unclear the gelada
form larger groups than other species of
primate at times bands of up to 600
baboons raised like herds of cattle on
these African mountain slopes but
they’re not territorial so calling all
gelada baboons bring your nitpicking
big-haired grass-eating families on up
there’s plenty for everyone
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